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HomeTop NewsSpeech in Poland: Biden confuses Putin with a sentence about power

Speech in Poland: Biden confuses Putin with a sentence about power


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G.The courtyard of the Royal Castle in Warsaw is crowded. It is already dark this Saturday evening, with an American and Polish flag flying in the air. “Don’t be afraid!” Pope John Paul II quotes Polish nationalist Joe Biden at the beginning and end of his speech. Catholic Biden recalls a time when faith, religion, and the people of the Soviet Union faced the Iron Curtain. He swears by the Polish union Solidarność, reminiscent of Lek Valeza.

But at the end of his two-day trip to Poland, Biden returns to the Ukrainians: “We are on your side!” He recalled that the Soviet Union had at one time tried to stifle freedom movements in Hungary and Poland. 1956, 1968 in Czechoslovakia

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Biden says Putin has the courage of a dictator. Shortly before the start of his speech, Russia fired rockets at Lviv near the Polish border, thus falsifying the new strategy of focusing on eastern Ukraine. Rockets on Liv should be understood as a message from Vladimir Putin to Biden. In Warsaw, he praised the Western “immediate, strong, united, unprecedented” response to the war.

So far, Russia has been the eleventh strongest global economic power, Biden says. But soon it will not be in the top 20 places. With the war, Russia has already “strategically failed”. That means about 200,000 Russians who fled are the real brain drain. His message to the Russian people (“If you can hear me”): You are not our enemy! “This war is” not worthy of you “.

Biden talks about the “war between democracy and authoritarianism”, but despite all his beliefs he manages to manage expectations carefully. He prepares the West for a long struggle: “This war will not be fought for days or months. We have to melt ourselves into a long struggle.

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Left: Angela Merkel (CDU), Olaf Scholes (SPD), Andrij Melnyk and Wolodymyr Selenskyj

Biden summarizes the real message of his speech in a single sentence, shortly before leaving the lecture, and then embarks on a journey back to the United States. Biden, referring to Putin, shouts, “For God’s sake, this man can no longer be in power.”

Biden implicitly calls for the fall of Putin, and how you read it. But in this sentence, the US strategy of regime change often seems to have failed, what does this mean? Will those words have an impact on American politics? Since the United States does not want to go to war against Russia, this sentence is more likely to have an appealing character, namely addressing the Moscow ruling elite.

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Maria Morsharovskaya and Nikolai Kasyan

Following Biden’s speech, the White House was forced to explain the president’s words: The president’s message was that “Putin should not be allowed to hold power over his neighbors or the region. He is not talking about Putin’s power in Russia or the overthrow of the government.” Confusion over Biden’s words in a very tense world political situation.

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“Never mind taking action against an inch of NATO territory.”

But Biden directly addressed Putin in his speech: “Do not think about taking action against a centimeter of NATO territory.” The United States and its NATO partners have a “sacred duty”, that is, mutual aid. In Poland, these words from Biden’s mouth carry more weight than anything else, like the promises of Germany or France: “Section 5 of the United States is a sacred duty,” Biden said a few hours ago in the Presidential Palace.

From a Polish point of view, the US promise of help that the attack on a NATO member would be understood as an attack on the entire alliance cannot be repeated. The country is concerned about the Russian war against its eastern neighbor Ukraine.

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He is the Deputy Director of the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) in Florence.

Security expert in Ukraine

Many poles have long felt the effects of the war: more than two million Ukrainians reached Poland in the first month of the war. So far 3 million people have fled the country. The first priority of the Polish government is to ensure that hostility does not spread to Polish territory, as it does to the United States and NATO. There are fears that a Russian shell attack on arms trafficking or Russia could deliberately attack Poland. Threats from Moscow, especially against Poland, have increased recently.

Warsaw’s involvement is seen as a destabilizing factor by Russia: Poland is increasingly absorbing Ukrainian refugees, becoming one of the most important arms suppliers to Kiev and a hub for arms supplies from other countries. In early January, Poland began supplying military equipment to Ukraine. However, Poland’s military assistance to Ukraine is still lagging behind: since Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea, Warsaw has expanded its cooperation with Ukraine, including military exercises.

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Poland plays a key role in imposing tough sanctions on Russia. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is also said to have brought in Hungary’s Prime Minister Victor Orban. The Polish government is also demanding more drastic measures, including a freeze across the European Union on oil and gas purchases. Warsaw also seeks EU membership for Ukraine.

Poland has achieved a significant upsurge in the Western alliance

Polish authorities are constantly moving forward with ideas such as “peacekeeping mission” in Ukraine or a plan to supply Polish MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine. Some partners in the European Union and NATO are irritated by Poland’s bold appearance.

“Poland has accepted a big responsibility,” Biden said in Warsaw. This is a significant boost for Poland in the Western Alliance. For a long time, since 2015, the country has been criticized for media freedom, discrimination against sexual minorities and last but not least, the Polish government’s removal of the judiciary.

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Key NATO players (from left): Justin Trudeau (Canada), Joe Biden (USA), Olaf Scholes (Germany), Boris Johnson (Great Britain), Emmanuel Macron (France)

Poland’s national conservatives had close ties with Donald Trump, which initially led to a difficult relationship between Poland and the Biden government. During the 2020 US presidential election campaign, this led to dictator Alexander Lukashenko comparing Poland’s progress with that of its oppressive Belarus. Warsaw was furious.

Such rifts between the allies, the United States and Poland, are unthinkable today. In terms of security policy, Poland plays a very important role: the country is now a leading state.

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