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HomeTop NewsThere are videos proving election fraud in St. Petersburg

There are videos proving election fraud in St. Petersburg


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These videos show live election rigging in Russia.

Vladimir Putin was reappointed as president at the weekend. According to Russian officials, he received about 87% of all votes.

Independent Russian news portal Agents Media, among others, is now reporting on the incident.

A woman sneaks into the polling station on her knees and stuffs countless ballots into a casket.
A guard outside the polling booth pretended not to notice the women and walked away.

The second video shows how one of the women lies down on the floor when all the papers are in the urn to mix the ballots.
The operation reportedly took place at Polling Station No. 5 of a school in St. Petersburg.

The portal wants to recognize women who:
It should be the Presiding Officer of the Polling Station and the Secretary of the Commission.

According to photo research, they should wear the same clothes as they did on election day on the Russian social network VK. Anonymous informants are said to have confirmed that they are the same.

Independent observers doubt the results of the election in Russia – it is considered a sham election. The videos appear to support claims of election fraud.

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