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HomeTop NewsCorona Octwell - RKI: Event Value Rises to 232.4 - Politics

Corona Octwell – RKI: Event Value Rises to 232.4 – Politics


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The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has registered 18,518 new corona infections in 24 hours. This is 4,610 more cases than the 13,908 positive tests reported on Monday, a week ago. Nationwide seven-day events have risen from 222.7 to 232.4 accordingly. This vulnerability increased for the fifth day in a row. Another 68 people have died from the virus. The RKI points out that fewer trials will be conducted at the beginning of the year and therefore fewer cases will be reported. So this event may be higher than reported.

The total number of people recovered on Monday was 6,478,600, according to RKI. The death toll from the Sars-CoV-2 outbreak has risen to 112,223.(03.01.2022)

Another cruise ship interrupted the voyage

After the start of the year, two cruise ships canceled their voyages due to a corona infection: for them Ida Nova More than 4000 people aboard the ship, the voyage ended prematurely in Lisbon due to corona damage. Cruise ship My ship6 Shipping company Tui Cruises has canceled its voyage to Dubai. “There are isolated cases in the background of the Covit-19 found during the voyage. As a precautionary measure and to protect guests and staff, Tui Cruises has now decided to take this short break,” the Hamburg-based company said. .

In the case Ida Nova Aida Cruises announced that “due to the current situation, we will be able to inform you about the trip,” although the sick team members had only mild symptoms. Ida Nova It is not possible to go to the Canary Islands until January 5, 2022 as planned. “Shipping with Jan. 5, Jan. 8 and Jan. 12 will not be offered. Next scheduled voyage Ida Nova It is scheduled to launch on January 15 from Las Palmas in Gran Canaria. The shipping company asked the passengers for understanding.

Nearly 3,000 cruise liners from Germany had to spend the turn of the year differently than planned and had to wait three days in Lisbon: the scheduled tour of the spectacular New Year’s Eve fireworks display at the port of Fungel on the Atlantic island. Madeira canceled – which some travelers say has reportedly spoiled New Year’s Eve and party mood on social media.

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The shipping company said Friday that positive corona cases were initially detected during routine tests and that the victims were being held ashore in conjunction with authorities in Lisbon. Instead of going to the Atlantic Ocean, travelers now expect a return home flight. Was with the Portuguese authorities Ida Nova According to Diego Vieira Franco, director of the Port of Lisbon, regardless of the lean crew.

Maybe My ship6 The shipping company announced on Monday that the voyage would have ended as planned for nearly 2,000 passengers. Spontaneous spacing affects both those who have booked the Connecting Cruise and those who wish to cruise in Dubai. According to reports, Tui Cruises is currently arranging return flights for all guests who wish to continue their journey.

As a company spokesman said, the cancellation initially only affects current travel, which should last until January 10th. If anything changes in this regard Tui Cruises would like to inform guests at a good time.

According to shipping companies, strict corona rules apply to ships. Accordingly, all guests and crews from the age of twelve are fully vaccinated. Also, passengers are checked several times. (03.01.2022)

Lauterbach announces short isolation and isolation times

Health Minister Carl Lauterbach has announced an amendment to the Isolation Rules. “We are really thinking about abbreviated isolation and isolation times,” the SPD politician told ZDF. With the high number of new infections shown by sample calculations for the spread of Omigran, other isolated periods are required. Other countries, such as France or Great Britain, have already narrowed the isolation requirements for positive test takers if fully vaccinated.

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The new resolutions will be passed at the Central-State meeting on Friday. “Because we need to think about how to change the isolated order,” Lotterbach told RTL / ntv. Above all, one must answer the question of how to handle isolated terms for persons working in critical infrastructure such as maintenance facilities or hospitals.

To prevent the Omigron wave from becoming larger, advice should be given on which contact restrictions are appropriate. Lauterbach stressed that pollution could not be prevented because of the large number of unvaccinated people in Germany. “The number of cases will rise sharply, and this will affect many who have not been vaccinated, and they will not be protected. That is why I am very concerned.”

The German government’s corona expert council warned before Christmas that if many people fell ill or were isolated at the same time, all vital infrastructure, such as the health system and clinics, the fire brigade or electricity, would be severely stressed. For this reason, isolating or reducing isolation periods is discussed. (02.01.2022)

Thousands – 30 arrested in banned Corona demo in Amsterdam

About 10,000 people protested against the Dutch government’s corona policy during a banned protest in Amsterdam. Police in riot gear stormed a rally on Sunday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck. Police said in the evening that 30 participants had been arrested. They are accused of disrupting public order, being mistreated or illegally possessing weapons.

Four officers were injured when several protesters tried to break the siege of riot police not far from Museum Square. Authorities said the situation had improved in the evening.

Video footage of police officers beating a group of women and men. The police officers said that police officers were wearing horses against demonstrators who refused to leave the square. Police dogs were also used. Public broadcaster NOS said it had no information about the protesters who were initially injured.

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Due to the rapid spread of the highly contagious Omigran variant of the corona virus, the Netherlands is under severe lock-up, which will last at least until mid-January. (02.01.2022)

New drug against corona

The federal government wants to use the new drug to treat severe Govt-19 courses in January. “I hope we can put together the package needed for this by the end of this month, so we can get the drug delivered and get the emergency approval,” said Federal Health Minister Carl Lauterbach. Sunday World.

The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) is currently preparing such national recognition for Paxlovit medicine. In the United States, just before Christmas, the competent authority issued an emergency license for Paxlovid. The federal government has already purchased one million packs of drugs. It was made by the American company Pfizer. (02.01.2022)

Lindner: Germany can vaccinate people in a month

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner wants to prepare Germany to vaccinate the entire population in the shortest possible time in the face of further corona waves. “We don’t know how the infection will develop,” Lindner said Sunday film. “So the whole population can be vaccinated as soon as possible if needed.” The infrastructure needed for this must be developed and access to adequate vaccinations must be protected. “Germany should never again be unprepared for waves of epidemics.”

The FDP politician also announced the Corona tax law. “Many support activities have been developed or expanded in it,” says Lindner. For example, losses in 2022 and 2023 should be offset by profits from previous years. No one should be wiped out by tax debts during epidemics.(02.01.2022)

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