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HomeTop NewsUkraine Army Uses Needles Against Putin: "Shoot and Run"

Ukraine Army Uses Needles Against Putin: “Shoot and Run”


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Fire open and distant: The war in Ukraine is teaching the West that in the future artillery will need to move from position to position quickly – wheel-based systems like the French Cesar can do this better. (Archive photo) © AFP / Sameer Al-Doumy

Speed ​​is everything against Russia – the West is learning in Ukraine that the cannon belongs on a truck. By principle: Fire free and away.

PARIS – “Artillery is the key to deep firefighting,” says Dietmar Felber on the Bundeswehr podcast. inquired. From World War I to regional wars in Iraq, 60 to 80 percent of casualties can be attributed to the effect of artillery, explains the colonel and head of the Bundeswehr Artillery School, explaining the importance of this type of weapon. Ukraine war. Unlike earlier wars, drones and digital communications have made warfare faster and put artillery under pressure: shoot & scoot is the order of the day. UkraineThat means shooting and putting. Vladimir Putin He taught the world that a cannon is now on wheels to survive the war.

die Kyiv Post The West now reports that it is reconsidering: Wheeled howitzers are very popular with the Ukrainian military and may replace tracked howitzers in the future. Truck-mounted guns such as the French Caesar were seen as having an interesting but poor combination of firepower and mobility. “While this generally allowed guns to be deployed more quickly than their towed counterparts, experts believed they lacked the off-road capability of tracked vehicles and were therefore more vulnerable,” he writes. Mail.

Under Pressure: Events in Ukraine Force a New Approach to Artillery

In particular, various media have reported that the US Army is currently trying to modernize its artillery. “The U.S. Army plans to release a new strategy for conventional fire protection by the end of the year,” James Rainey told the magazine. Security messages. The general heads the Army Futures Command, the US military organization responsible for modernizing the armed forces Security messages, report. Rainey said the U.S. military must adapt its artillery strategy to both “events in Ukraine” and the U.S. military’s Pacific conventional fire requirements: “The nature of war is changing.”

“Where do you need towed artillery, where do you need tracked or wheeled vehicles? What can you do with ammunition instead of making new guns?

“For this reason, future artillery systems will be able to further reduce the time spent in the firing position, i.e. the time between the first shot and the time to leave the firing position,” says Jack Watling from the think tank. Royal United Services Company (RUSI). According to his expertise, the Russians have now developed the ability to hit back Ukrainian artillery positions within two minutes of their first fire. Previously, Russian players needed five to 20 minutes to counterattack. This did not happen by introducing new systems, but only because the Russians streamlined the process by giving them direct access to the target location capabilities needed by artillery forces.

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Under Fire: Wheel cannons are quick to fire and quick to disengage

The German self-propelled howitzer is said to have fired in less than two minutes between rolling on 2000 tracks and marching in and out of a firing position—three shots in less than ten seconds, or ten shots in less than a minute. Due to increased reconnaissance, mainly through drones, the battlefield has become more transparent and requires greater speed. According to the magazine Security is one Artillery systems on the battlefield of the future must be constantly moving to avoid detection, identification and destruction, General Rainey said. Wheel cannons are faster than tracked or especially towed cannons.

The world’s fastest howitzer may come from Sweden, some observers say: FH-77BW L52 Archer – Self-propelled gun with 155 mm caliber wheel cannon gun. From full speed, it takes 20 seconds to fire against Vladimir Putin’s army. Ukraine’s new artillery system is ready to move quickly to change positions. Autonomous use against aggressors from Russia is possible, as is use in combination with other guns in a battery network. Further France Shines in Ukraine with wheel-based artillery: Caesar – which will be hailed as a model of the future at Eurosatory 2024, the global arms trade fair in Paris from June 17 to 21.

Under pressure: France wants to give Caesar more than ever

Charles Beaudoin expects “KNDS France’s truck-mounted Caesar howitzer to be one of the stars of the show.” Security messages writes “The wheel cannon’s courage lies in its maximum efficiency,” said the retired general and trade show organizer. Security messages. “You don’t have to compromise on firepower, rate of fire, accuracy and range and have a truck that’s armored, but can still be maneuverable and very stealthy.”

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And the severe At the beginning of the war Caesar had already been praised beyond measure: “There are three to six soldiers in the crew. The cannon is ready to use in 60 seconds. It can then fire six 155 mm/52 caliber shells so that they hit the target simultaneously. The truck can move again 40 seconds after the last shot. “This speed and range of 40 to 50 kilometers has a huge impact on the battlefield,” he wrote severe-Author Gernot Gramper.

Because of his talent, Luxembourg now wants to fund Cesar for Ukraine, the newspaper said. Luxembourgish word writes France promised to deliver 78 units by the end of the year and has so far delivered 36 units Denmark 19 units will come. A total of 147 Caesars are expected to fight against Russia’s invading army in Ukraine. According to reports from the military blog Heart point However, France prefers organizations to receive counter-funding from other countries. And inside Finland A wheel-based howitzer is developed based on the Patria wheeled vehicle, Deutschland The RCH is receiving a 155 wheel howitzer on a Boxer chassis from KNDS, and Ukraine intends to expand production of its 155 millimeter howitzer 2S22 Bohtana. Further Russia He is sitting on a bike.

Under real conditions: The new Caesar sets priorities in motion

The new model of the Caesar was said to be further improved in all its strengths, although its 155 millimeter caliber gun remained the same; Innovations are related to the passive safety and its movement like a magazine Military Accreditation reported. The magazine also makes it clear that speed is becoming a decisive factor Security messages By Pierre-André Moreau report for YouTube channel VA Plus“The tank artillery is on the brink of complete obsolescence due to the ubiquity of anti-tank munitions and drones on the battlefield.”

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magazine Battle on the rocks Last September, Doug Bush quoted a U.S. military procurement official as saying, “Firefighting strategies will affect key decisions for his department, including how to meet the need for extended artillery”—and he points to the complexity of these topics: “Where you need towed artillery, maybe you need tracked or Where are the wheeled vehicles needed?What can you do with ammunition instead of making new guns?

In addition to movement, ammunition is really the decisive factor, says Dietmar Felber. The NATO standard caliber is 155 millimetres, but this is the least common class of different types of ammunition, the Bundeswehr colonel explains. The guns calculate the shot themselves and fire control is carried out by digital products from computer retailers. After the annexation of Crimea, Ukraine created an app for this purpose – the system is called Gis Arta. Spiegel Reportedly – ​​According to him, a smart software can relay fire orders in a split second. “For this, Ukrainian commanders only need a smartphone.”

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