Friday, September 20, 2024

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A country has special privileges for pensioners

Home pageBusinessto stand: August 25, 2024, 4:16 pmAir: Lisa Meyerhoferpress onsplitMany retirees are drawn to warmer climates after retirement. Some sun-drenched countries have got...


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Ukraine conflict: Macron wants to propose an expansion route to Putin

FromSandra GatheClosedDiplomatic efforts are underway in the Ukraine conflict. French President Macron wants to explore ways to reduce the intensity of the phone...

Arizona (USA): Mountain drama! Died while climbing a mountain while taking a selfie – News Abroad

Tragic incident in the US state of Arizona!A young climber wanted to...

Kronprinz Willem-Alexander and Maxima Fire 20. Hochzeitstag

27. Januar 2022 um 15:01 Uhr Royales Traumpaar : Willem-Alexander and Maxima Firen 20. Hochzeitstag Maxima and Willem-Alexander. Photo: dpa / "robin Van Lonkhuijsen" Amsterdam Train der Braut,...

NATO rejects “security guarantees” and fears the collapse of the alliance

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“BA.2”: New Omigron Mutant – Returns RKI details

The highly contagious Omigran variant is currently increasing the number of people affected by corona. Now a subtype raises new concerns. Updated Tuesday,...

Skandal um Corona-Partys – Bringt this Scotland-Yard-Lady Boris Johnson zu Fall? – Politik Ausland

Die Briten-Presse ist sich ausnahmsweise einig: Diese Nachricht ist eine „Bombe“.Der politisch...