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HomeTop NewsCorona News: The shortage of nurses in hospitals has worsened

Corona News: The shortage of nurses in hospitals has worsened


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D.The shortage of nurses in hospitals has been high for the past one year. Six per cent of seats in ordinary wards and twelve per cent in intensive care units are vacant, said Gerald Gauss, president of the German Hospital Association (DKG). ) “It’s a very difficult situation, especially in times of constant high levels of stress,” Cass explained.

“We have no reserves in practice to cover the staff shortage,” the DKG boss told RND. That is why some serious abilities had to be temporarily or permanently canceled during epidemics.

In the past year, the intensive care unit has failed to fill 8,000 jobs and every eighth specialized vacancy. It took an average of 21 weeks for a new serious specialist to fill a vacancy. Five years ago, clinics only advertised 3,100 additional positions.

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In normal wards, about 14,000 vacancies for nursing staff registered in clinics will be vacant nationwide by 2021. Five years ago, according to Gaß, there were only 3,900 vacancies. In 2021 it will take an average of 17 weeks for a skilled worker to be hired.

Staff shortages have worsened for a variety of reasons: child boomers have gone on retirement or early retirement, Cass told RND. In addition, many employees stayed longer on parental leave and then longer part-time. Despite the shortage of doctors in rural areas, nurses are moving from cities to rural areas due to high rents.

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Whether in hospitals or at home: From March 16, nursing and health workers will be required to be vaccinated against corona.

Mandatory vaccination and side effects

Nurses also leave their jobs due to excessive workload, which increases the workload of other staff.

All developments in Tigger:

02.00 – Alexandria Oaxacio-Cortez is also positive

Alexandria Ocacio-Cortez Corona of the New York Democratic Congress has given a positive test. She was vaccinated twice and encouraged and had “mild symptoms,” it said in a statement. In December she was criticized for going on vacation in Florida with her boyfriend. In the photos you can see him drinking alcohol in front of a bar. He was accused on social media of not following Corona rules enough. In Florida, however, they are not as strict as in New York. Opposing the austerity measures, Florida Gov. Ron Desantis welcomed Okazio-Cortez on Twitter and wished him “freedom in the state of Sunshine.”

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12:45 am – Israel: “The virus will never stop us”

Salman Sarkah, the Corona Commissioner for the Israeli government, sees reason for optimism worldwide despite the approaching Omigron waves. “The virus will not stop us for a long time,” Zarka told the editorial network Germany (RND). “We’ll get our lives back – but it’s not like it was before.”

In the long run, it will require more awareness than ever before. “In some situations masks will continue to play a role, vaccinations will be necessary, and life between waves will be easier when the phenomenon of new variation rises again.

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Practical Epidemiology Manager: Ronnie Kamsu

Israel’s Corona Tsar over Germany

Then it is not good to go to a football field or a big party.

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Residents of a nursing home in Israel are celebrating their second booster vaccination


He advises against believing in conscious infections in the current Omigron wave, thus pushing the flock to immunity: “No one knows what will come after Omigran. Many people in South Africa have been affected by the delta – which did not protect them from being attacked by Omigran later.

12:40 am – Australia defeats one million infections

According to official data, there are more than one million corona infections in Australia. The states of New South Wales and Victoria together report approximately 55,000 positive tests. This brings the total number of epidemics since the onset of the epidemic to 1.03 million. Other states and territories will not report their numbers until later this day.

The country was able to control the spread of the virus for almost two years by closing national borders and locks. After easing restrictions, Australia is currently fighting the eruption of the highly contagious Omicron variant.

00:05 am – More restrictions on travel in Italy

In Italy, further corona restrictions came into effect on Monday with the impact of travel. The 2G rule now applies to hotels, convention centers, restaurants, ski lifts and local and long-distance transportation. This means that only those who have been vaccinated against vet-19 or have recovered from the disease will be allowed access. In terms of transportation, it affects not only city buses, but also trains, boats and planes. German tourists can use QR codes on their vaccination certificates in Italy.

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Passengers on “AIDAnova”

The Council of Ministers under Prime Minister Mario Draghi adopted the rules late last year. This extends the restrictions on daily life, especially for those who have not been vaccinated, and in many places a negative corona test may no longer be sufficient. The 2G rule now applies to team games as well. For example, football players must be vaccinated or recovered to play.

00.00 am – Blatt – New validity period for vaccination certificates from February

From February 1, the vaccine status will be reduced for those who have been vaccinated twice against corona, according to a media report. As of that day, the “Built” newspaper reports that “EU digital vaccination certificates for basic immunizations” are no longer valid after 270 days, in response to a request from Parliamentary Secretary of State for the Union Ministry of Health Sabine Ditmer (SPD). European Commission decision by Bundestag member Wilfried Oellers (CDU). Accordingly, the accreditation period for EU (EU) digital vaccination certificates for basic immunization is set at 270 days. “Due to lack of scientific knowledge, booster vaccines do not have a maximum approval period.”

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11.41 pm – About 6,000 people protest in Charbrooken

According to police, about 6,000 people in Saarbrucken on Sunday afternoon said, “We do not want a compulsory vaccine. We do not want a two-class society. ” Participants in the recorded demonstration marched from Landwehrplatz to the front of the Congress Center, Charland Police announced in the evening. Private parts of the road are temporarily closed.

How is the Republic of Corona divided?

Not everyone wanted to talk to WELT reporter Paul Sondak, but some “strollers” did.

Source: WELT / Andrea Ohms / Paul Sonntag

Emergency services have launched an investigation into three cases suspected of defaming the state after participants showed German flags with a banana symbol, according to police. In addition to the instruction to wear a mask, the protesters adhered to the information provided as much as possible to the requirements provided by the assembly authority. Police said the protest was peaceful.

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