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HomeTop News"With German partners": Brits help Taurus delivery

“With German partners”: Brits help Taurus delivery


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“With German Partners”
Brits help with Taurus delivery

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His position is clear: President Scholes does not want to supply Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine. The British did not understand this. Foreign Secretary Cameron wants to help, if necessary, rework the old idea.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron has offered German support for the delivery of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine. “We are committed to working closely with our German partners on all other issues to help Ukraine,” he told the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, when one asked if his country would be ready to resolve the issues that Taurus is resisting giving birth to.

Chancellor Olaf Scholes ruled out offering a long-range weapons system. He justified this by saying that “Germany could not do what the British and French were doing in terms of targeting and accompanying targeting”.

Don't worry about escalation

Cameron again believes a ring transfer is possible, in which Germany would supply Great Britain with Taurus cruise missiles and London would supply Ukraine with more Storm Shadow missiles. “We are ready to look at all options to achieve the maximum effect for Ukraine,” he said. But he “wouldn't give any details and tell our enemies what we're planning.” The idea of ​​exchanging a ring had already circulated a month earlier, and at the time the idea met with great skepticism in German politics.

Cameron dismissed fears that the supply of cruise missiles would lead to an escalation of the war. “It is entirely possible to set limits to ensure that the use of these weapons in no way contributes to proliferation. And they don't,” the British foreign secretary said. They serve “security of Ukraine”. Great Britain relies on Ukraine's corresponding guarantees. “We're happy with the arrangements we've made. Otherwise we wouldn't be doing it,” Cameron said.

Cameron said of the Bundeswehr wiretapping scandal that when something like this happens, “there are always lessons to be learned. I believe that will happen. But we are good friends and partners. And good friends and allies talk about something like this. Behind closed doors.” Russia intercepted and later released secret conversations between four high-ranking Bundeswehr officers. This is about the Taurus cruise missile. According to the Ministry of Defence, the reason was the carelessness of a general who was in Singapore during the transition.

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