Background: Thursday marks one year since Joe Biden took office. That’s why 79-year-old Biden holds one of his rare press conferences on Wednesday afternoon. The president is under pressure, he has bad polls, his federal social and climate plan has not been implemented, and he is being defeated by senators from his own party. The White House has no answer to seven percent inflation. The Govt administration is not functioning.
In a nutshell: Biden does not deliver, throwing out election promises too much. So there is a risk that the Democrats will lose the by-elections in November.
Framework: Biden has not held a press conference for 78 days. He speaks in the East Room of the White House from 4:02 pm, begins with a salutation “Hello friends” and then talks for a quarter of an hour about his achievements. He then answered more than 40 questions for an hour and a half.
Biden stumbled several times. He shows a lack of concentration. He closes his eyes several times and stares at the ceiling to concentrate. After more than an hour of questioning, he looked at his watch and asked, “How long do you want to do this?” He asked reporters to give them another 20 minutes. You can understand why Biden’s staff want to see the president in front of the microphone.
The biggest mistake: Biden says he hopes Russian troops will occupy Ukraine. That is only the end of Vladimir Putin. He wanted to “test” the West. However he did not believe Putin wanted a “full-scale war.”
“It’s one thing if it’s a small intrusion,” Biden said of the possible NATO response. But what does he mean by “little intrusion”? The word is pronounced in the world.
In the Foreign Office, they are allowed to hold each other’s heads. Especially in the National Security Council. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl, Ukraine. To put it bluntly: is the US allowing Russia a small part of Ukraine? Even during the press conference, the White House is trying to minimize the damage. A spokesman tweeted that Biden later “clarified” the matter.
He noted the difference between the Russian military and non-military operations, such as cyber attacks. In fact, Biden then digs into the problem. However, he did not clarify his previous statement and did not withdraw it. Given this drastic error, the threat of sanctions in the event of an invasion (“a catastrophe for Russia”) does not appear to be very strong.
Pitton’s speech provoked outrage
Half an hour after Biden appeared, his spokesman was forced to issue a statement. “If Russian forces cross the Ukrainian border, it will be another invasion, and the United States and our allies will retaliate quickly, vigorously and together,” it said.
Biden’s statement has already caused trouble. CNN, an American broadcaster, quoted an unnamed Ukrainian government official as saying that “it is shocking that US President Biden distinguished between infiltration and invasion.” It gives Russian President Vladimir Putin the “green light to invade Ukraine at will.” Lindsay Graham, a prominent Republican senator and foreign policy classifier, says he was “shocked” by Biden’s words.
Serious error: Biden was asked if he thought it was legal to hold mid-term elections in November. Avoids a clear answer. Depending on whether he can get his own election laws through Congress. To be clear: without the reforms he has demanded, elections are likely to be held illegally. But what if he does not enforce his election laws?
Bleaching: Biden praised 210 million “fully vaccinated” Americans. By this he means those who have not yet received the booster. Only 39% of people in the United States have a booster (Germany: 48.3%). When he already calls the summer of 2021 “freedom from the virus” – Biden says he’s not promising much. He praised the Govt tests that the government is now – in the third year of the epidemic – beginning to send to the people. Biden insists: “I’m a believer.”
Admission: The federal social and climate package has been in the Senate for months, with party friends blocking it. Biden is confident that the “big parts” of the package will become law. He did not describe the way to get there. Admittedly some parts of the package that have already been halved need to be filled in more to implement. But what exactly? When? As? All of that remains open.
Gentle attacks: “What do Republicans stand for?” “What is their site?” “What does Mitch McConnell want? What is his position on migration policy? In dealing with Russia?” In fact, all of this is obvious, the Republicans have no plans, they only have Donald Trump, but in ten more months it will be rare for a Democrat to win a congressional election with such cotton ball questions.
Biden wants to compete with Harris again in 2024
Short and useless: “Yes and yes” is Pitton’s short answer. He answers two questions: Does he acknowledge the role of Vice President Kamala Harris in electoral reform and does he intend to run with her again in 2024?
The question is fair, Harris’ record is modest, and his poll numbers are devastating. But Biden’s answer was ineffective. As of today, it is not possible to file another Biden / Harris nomination in 2024. Now the debate over Harris cannot be allowed by Pitton. However, he would have done it by giving no answer of “yes and yes”.
Suspicion about the team: Biden’s friendly television channel CNN asked if he was satisfied with the performance of his management and his staff. There is the question of. But Biden showed nothing: “I’m happy in my team.” That is true because so far he has not fired any ministers or top officials.
Confession: “I am not a socialist. I am a major Democrat.” (When Fox News asked him why he was dragging the country to the left.)
Be quiet: “I know nothing.” (When asked by right – wing pro – Trump television Newsmax, many Americans wondered why he was mentally unfit to be president.)
Contradiction: “I have no confidence in the referendum,” Biden says, after a few minutes he will talk in detail about his own approval ratings and the ratings of his predecessors after a year in office. With different percentages.
Conclusion: An embarrassing look at the US president with the most politically dangerous statements, the White House is now trying to put a slip forward. Biden shines the status of the country. He did not show any way to get approval for electoral reform laws and social packages.
An overview for the next three years? nothing. Biden’s team is likely to put even more pressure on him to control the number of his press conferences in the future.
. “Amateur alcohol specialist. Reader. Hardcore introvert. Freelance explorer.”