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Jagger mauled to death by bear in Italy – post-mortem reveals gruesome details of death


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The young joker reportedly defended himself with a stick, but any help came too late for the 26-year-old from Italy: a bear mauled the young man to death.

CALDES – There has been speculation since Thursday, and now there is clarity: A jogger found dead in the northern Italian province of Trentino was mauled and mauled by a bear. The discovery now brings the autopsy. The teenager’s body was badly injured when it was found, and Jagger’s body was found in the woods of Trentino, a popular holiday destination. Details suggest that the 26-year-old must have been fighting for his life.

Jogger mauled to death by bear in Italy: Post-mortem reveals gruesome details

The young man was found early Thursday near a forest trail in the municipality of Caldes in the Val de Sol valley. According to the province, the man had serious injuries to his body. Deep scratches on the body and face, bite wounds and a deep gash in the stomach reportedly quickly fueled suspicions that the young jogger must have been killed by a bear.

This bear is in captivity. But in Trentino, a jogger was killed by a wild beast. (Thumbnail) © Image Alliance/dpa | Oliver Berg

The young Italian family sounded the alarm when the 26-year-old did not return from a jog in the woods on Wednesday. After hours of searching involving various emergency services, his body was found by search dogs on a bush track. As the body condition was not good, the authorities ordered an autopsy. As many media outlets are now reporting, this should confirm the dreaded suspicion: the young man was the victim of a bear attack. Like one of the others ORF The young man reportedly fought for his life. Accordingly, a stick with traces of blood indicates that the 26-year-old still wanted to defend himself against the bear. Italian newspaper Republic A bite to the neck led to the youth’s death, it was reported.

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“Today is a sad day for the municipality of Val di Sole and for Trentino, which gathers around the family and friends of the young man who died in the forest of Caldes,” the province said on Thursday.

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However, the Trentino Forest Force and the provincial administration have repeatedly warned of possible encounters with wild animals in the region’s forests and mountains. In mountainous and wooded areas, lynxes, wolves and bears are particularly endemic. However, wild bears in particular have been causing problems in the area for some time. About 100 bears live in the wild – and according to regional statistics, the number of bears is increasing. In 1999, as part of the EU project “Life Ursus”, a dozen bears were brought from Slovenia and released into an area where the bear population was feared to be extinct at the time.

According to the Coldretty Agricultural Association, the spread of bears poses a serious threat not only to the safety of local people, but also to the economy, from agriculture to tourism.

In the area, an hour’s drive from Trento, the provincial and regional capital, bears have recently been spotted repeatedly. Local residents told L’Adige newspaper that there have been several attacks on farm animals such as sheep in the past month. In early March, not far from Caldez, a man attacked his dog with a bear and injured its head and arm.

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