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HomeTop NewsHeavy losses for Russia - 20 tanks lost daily

Heavy losses for Russia – 20 tanks lost daily


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In view of the war in Ukraine, NATO headquarters are to be built in Germany. Russia suffers heavy losses again. Message Ticker.

Updated as of June 15, 8:00 am: Ukrainian civil servants have provided new statistics on Russia’s losses. Accordingly, the Russian army lost about 1,250 soldiers in a single day’s fighting; Either they were killed or wounded. Information cannot be independently verified. Overview:

  • Players: 525,150 (+1090 on previous day)
  • Puncture: 7956 (+20)
  • Armored Vehicles: 15,263 (+29)
  • Artillery Formation: 13.855 (+37)
  • Multiple Rocket Launchers: 1103 (+2)
  • Air Defense Systems: 853 (+4)
  • Drones: 11,148 (+51)
    Source: Ukrainian Civil Service on Facebook on June 15, 2024

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The information processed here comes from international media and news agencies, as well as from the parties fighting in the war in Ukraine. Information about the war in Ukraine cannot be independently verified.

War in Ukraine: Putin comments on Kharkiv attack

Updated as of June 15, 6:35 am: According to Putin, Russian troops will continue to advance in the eastern Kharkiv region. “We are forced to move the front line in the Kharkiv region to reduce terrorist attacks against Belgorod and other cities.” Near the border. Recently, Ukrainian attacks on Belgorod in western Russia have increased.

Losses for Ukraine: Photo shows a destroyed Abrams tank near Berdychi in the Donbass. © IMAGO / SNA

Updated as of June 14, 10:43 pm: A total of 71 military clashes were reported between Russian and Ukrainian troops on the frontline in Ukraine on Friday. According to information from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russian forces attempted to break through Ukrainian defenses on the Kubiansk and Kurakiv fronts on Friday.

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Updated as of June 14, 8:52 pm: Russian President Vladimir Putin has put the number of soldiers currently fighting his war of aggression in Ukraine at nearly 700,000. Putin made the announcement at a meeting with military personnel on Friday. At a press conference in December 2023, Putin spoke of 617,000 soldiers.

A Ukrainian organization has freed 14 children from Russia and occupied territories in the war in Ukraine.

Updated as of June 14, 8:30 PM: Ukraine has reportedly freed 14 more Ukrainian children from Russia and temporarily occupied territories, according to the Save Ukraine charity.

A total of 373 children deported by Russia or living under occupation were brought back to Ukraine, the organization’s team said.

Russia Accused of War Crimes: International Criminal Court Probes Russian Hacker Attacks

Updated as of June 14, 7:10 pm: Information from news agency Reuters Prosecutors at the International Criminal Court are investigating whether Russian hacker attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets constitute war crimes. Insiders told the news agency that attacks on civilian infrastructure are being investigated.

Russian hacker attacks put human lives at risk, for example by interrupting electricity and water supplies or cutting off emergency calls. An indictment by a court is the first such offence.

Ukraine attacked a Russian gas distribution center in Russia

Updated as of June 14, 5:43 p.m.: According to Russian information, Ukraine is shelling out a transshipment point for Russian gas exports in Russia. The news agency reported Reuters According to the report, the governor of the Kursk region said in a telegram that Ukraine had hit several settlements, including the city of Chudza.

The last operational distribution center for Russian gas exports to Europe via Ukraine is located there. Two people were reportedly injured in the shelling. Smirnov did not mention any damage to the gas infrastructure. The responsible Ukrainian operating company said that Russian gas transport was not affected by the attack.

NATO Ukraine Headquarters in Germany – Stoltenberg Announces Construction in Wiesbaden

First Statement: BRUSSELS – NATO wants to set up a headquarters in Germany to coordinate arms deliveries and training operations for Ukraine. At the end of a meeting of defense ministers, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that the new base would be set up in the Hesse state capital of Wiesbaden. The news agency reported this AFP.

700 NATO troops at new headquarters in Germany

A related operational plan for the NATO mission was decided on Thursday by the North Atlantic Council, they said dpa. A 3-star general should oversee coordination work. He reports directly to the Supreme Commander of NATO Forces in Europe.

According to Stoltenberg, a total of 700 forces from NATO and other partner countries will be involved in the project. Also, it has been reported that logistics centers are going to be set up in the Eastern Alliance area AFP.

NATO is building Headquartered in Ukraine Inside Deutschland

the sea dpa The NATO deployment is a precaution against Donald Trump’s return to the US presidency. So far, the United States has carried out coordination efforts. However, reports from the Republican camp recently raised doubts about whether the US would continue its support for Ukraine if Trump wins the US election in November.

However, Stoltenberg stressed that NATO would not become a party to the conflict with the move. It’s about European countries taking more responsibility from the US.

Interactive cards to the place in Before

What territories did Russia capture in the Ukraine war? Where were the Kremlin troops driven out and where is the fighting taking place now? Current maps of the front line in Ukraine provide insight into recent developments in Russia’s war against Ukraine. (editing with agencies)

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