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HomeTop NewsCorona virus: Cuba's vaccine poker opens

Corona virus: Cuba’s vaccine poker opens


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Cuba’s vaccine works in poker

Malecón (officially Avenida de Maceo) is a vast espionage, road and sea wall extending up to 8 km (5 miles) along the coast of Havana, Cuba.

Havana, Cuba: The regime wants to defeat Corona with its own vaccine

Quelle: Getty Images

Socialist Cuba has developed two vaccines of its own against Govt-19 and represents an effective 92 percent. This victory should forget the historic social protests that have taken place in the country. You have already been bitten abroad.

D.The praise came from a height. Cuba has reached the highest level of medical education and research, during his daily press conference with left-wing President Andres Manuel Lபpez Obrador of Mexico. The skepticism about Cuban vaccines is unjustified: “Health should take precedence over any other ideology,” Lopez said.

The head of state, who is influential in Latin America, is thus becoming a broker for vaccines from Cuba. Not long ago, the Health Council in Mexico City approved the use of the three-dose Cuban vaccine Aptala against Covit-19. Entering one of the largest and most profitable Latin American markets is imminent. This is a major tactical victory for those in power in Havana – both economically and politically.

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By developing its own vaccine, the government of Cuban one-party state President Miguel Diaz-Canel took more risk. Vaccine production started slowly at first, the number of infections increased rapidly, hospitals were filled with loads throughout and the food supply situation was poor.

Last summer, thousands of people took to the streets in historic protests, and even the deadly ideological adversary, the United States, donated vaccines. As always, Havana flatly refused.

Source: WORLD Infographic

But now the game of poker seems to be paying off: according to official data, which can not be independently verified, more than 90 percent of people are vaccinated. This incidence is significantly lower than in many Latin American countries. The regime urgently needs this victory because the struggles in the country have for the first time publicly questioned the government.

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Cuba’s dangerous self-sufficiency strategy is in line with the theory of Fidel Castro, the leader of the Cuban revolution who died in 2013: “Cubans can make all the products we need ourselves.” News portal “Nature”: “Being independent is the best thing to protect our people.”

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The socialist-ruled Caribbean island does not want to accept any help from the “imperialist superpower” in Washington until the US embargo is lifted due to ongoing human rights abuses. The regime is now using the success of its vaccines, Abdala and Soberana 02, to tarnish its image and gain international influence in a country tainted by brutally repressed social protests.

Physicians and nurses who pointed out deficiencies in Cuba’s health system also questioned official mortality and infection statistics or the quality of vaccines, which were fired or brought to justice. Leaders of the anti-pacifist movement and riot art scene are now in custody, under house arrest or in exile. Regime critics have no staff and no new strategy. With the success of the vaccine, the government has taken an important aim from them.

Source: WORLD Infographic

A few days ago, the Cuban Ministry of Health set aside a beautiful hall in the traditional hotel “National” in Havana. A delegation from the Pan American Health Organization (OPS), a subsidiary of the World Health Organization (WHO), was in attendance. Both sides ensured mutual respect.

But above all, what Cuba expects is WHO official recognition of vaccines that can serve the world market. According to Cuban data, the Soperana 02 vaccine has a 92.4 percent protective effect. But so far the WHO has hesitated because of the lack of reliable data to verify performance.

Cuban and international scientists are now excited to see if vaccines can withstand the new Omigran variant. The number of infections in Cuba has been on the rise for the past few days.

However, Socialist Island missed a symbolic victory: the first Latin American vaccine approved by the WHO did not come from Cuba, but from a joint product of Argentina and Mexico. A version of the British astrogenic vaccine was released to the world market on Christmas Eve.

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