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Almost 40 percent in reserve: Germans fear Putin attack every second | Politics


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Traffic Light Government Warnings About Vladimir Putin's Potential Attack Plans Are Taking Effect!

In an interview with BILD, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (63, SPD) last week warned of the risk of war in the medium term. The minister said: “We are coming from 30 years of peace, 30 years of peace dividend and we have all benefited from it. Now the journey is going in a different direction.

He is not alone in this concern: according to an INSA survey for BILD (1001 participants), a possible Russian attack in Germany worries 46 percent of those surveyed (don't worry: 44 percent, rest: no answer).

Surprise: 55 percent of left-wing voters and 54 percent of CDU voters. Wagenknecht's party and supporters of the AfD see a very low risk of war.

There have been recent calls for the construction of private goods in the event of war in Sweden and Norway. In Germany, according to the INSA survey, 39 percent have done so to date. So far, 56 percent have decided against emergency deliveries.

Quick survey: Do you have food supplies at home in case of a serious emergency?  - Chart

The Federal Office for Disaster Relief and Civil Defense (BBK) has long recommended providing food, water, hygiene products, first aid kits and simple camping equipment.

Bomb: Only one in six respondents said where they would find protection in the event of an attack (eg rockets). Probably mainly because there are 600 air raid shelters left in this country, not one of which is currently ready for use.

Quick survey: Do you know where to find protection in the event of an attack (eg, a rocket attack)?  - Chart

Maintenance of the bunkers ended in 2007, when the central and state governments ended “operational maintenance of public shelters”.

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