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Gaza Strip: The UN Security Council backs Biden’s proposal for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip


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The UN Security Council backs Biden’s proposal for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip

The UN Security Council backs Biden’s proposal for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip

The UN Security Council has spoken in support of the multi-phase ceasefire plan in the Gaza war proposed by US President Joe Biden.

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US President Biden has proposed a three-phase plan for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Israel accepts plan, UN The Security Council has now almost unanimously voted in favor of it. The only thing missing is Hamas.

DThe UN Security Council has spoken in support of the multi-phase ceasefire plan in the Gaza war proposed by US President Joe Biden. The resolution was passed by the United Nations’ most powerful body in New York on Monday. 14 member states approved the draft, Russia, with veto power, abstained.

With a decision binding under international law, the group endorsed a specific proposal for a ceasefire for the first time since the outbreak of hostilities. “Today we voted for peace,” US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said later.

The paper expresses its support for Biden’s plan, which calls for a three-phase end to the fighting in the Gaza Strip. According to the US, only the Islamist Hamas has yet to agree to the plan. However, the plan has yet to receive a clear and public endorsement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

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However, the resolution, which is binding under international law, says Israel accepts the plan and calls on Islamist Hamas to do the same, urging all parties to implement the plan “without delay and without conditions.”

Hamas He welcomed the resolution In the evening the Security Council reiterated its desire to continue indirect negotiations towards an agreement. However, a positive response representing formal acceptance of the proposed multi-level scheme did not appear. Qatar, Egypt and the United States have been working as mediators for months to reach an agreement on a ceasefire in the Gaza war, the release of hostages and the release of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons.

An ambitious draft agreement presented by Biden in late May initially calls for a complete and unrestricted ceasefire for six weeks. During this period, a certain group of hostages will be released. In return, Palestinians imprisoned in Israel would be freed. In the next phase, the fighting will cease permanently and the remaining hostages will be released. According to the draft, the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip should begin in the final phase.

A view of the two-state solution

For the eleventh time since the war in Gaza began, the UN Only four proposed resolutions were passed.

EU chief diplomat Joseph Borrell said in the evening that the EU is calling for the plan to be implemented immediately. The international community fully supports the detailed roadmap presented by Biden, the foreign representative confirmed.

In the resolution that has just been passed, the UN has committed to a two-state solution where Israel and the Palestinians can live side by side in peace. To achieve this, reunification of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip under the leadership of the Palestinian Authority is essential. The Israeli government has now vehemently denied this.

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