Man helps in a road accident and learns that the dead man is his son

A tragic incident has taken place in New York State, USA. When a 29-year-old woman died in a traffic accident on a highway in the small town of Binghamton, a Department of Transportation employee rushed to the scene to protect her, according to reports. “Fox News” . An employee named Corey Beshgarner only found out at the scene of the accident: his own son, Tyler, was dead.

“It's our worst nightmare,” Beshgarner said. “When we started getting the position, we said [im Team] There is no way that a family's life will turn upside down today! Little did I know that this was my own life and the life of my family.

The driver crashed

The cause of the crash is unknown, and the identity of the driver responsible for Tyler's death is unknown, reports said “build” . The driver crashed. A fact that only shocks the Beschorner family.

“I don't want to hate, I don't want to be angry, because it doesn't change anything [meinen Sohn] I'll bring it back,” Tyler's mother, Shanai, told Fox News. But Tyler's surviving seven-year-old son can't cope with the loss.

“He's suffering,” Shanai said. “[Seit Tylers Tod] He keeps saying that he is alone. He says: 'Now I am alone!' I tell him: 'No, we are all with you.

There is a fundraising campaign on the website. Gofundme “Initiated to support Tyler's surviving family.

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