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War in Ukraine: Azov Regiment reports Russian poison gas attack on Mariupol – artillery shelling in Kharkiv


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Reports say there is a possibility of a poison gas attack from Mariupol. The artillery attack is said to have taken place in the Kharkiv region. News of the Ukraine War.

Updated from April 11, 11:51 pm: After the Russian threat to use chemical weapons in Mariupol, the Ukrainian Azov regiment claims a poison gas attack. Azov told his Telegram channel on Monday evening that an unknown object had been dropped from a drone on a city that had long competed. This information could not be verified at first.

Ukraine war: Azov battalion reports Russian poison gas attack on Mariupol

However, Ukrainian public television broadcaster Susbilne said it had not been confirmed by official organizations. Military sources consider the probability of a chemical weapons attack on the Russian side to be “very high.” The broadcaster is trying to get confirmation from the military or the secret service. According to Azov, the affected population suffered from respiratory and motor disorders.

In his nightly video speech, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky mentioned the threat of a chemical weapons attack. “We take it very seriously.” Such an attack would provoke foreign governments to react more strongly to Russian aggression, Zelensky said.

Ukraine war: Artillery casualties reported in Kharkiv

Updated from April 11, 11:34 pm: At least eight civilians have been killed in a Russian artillery attack in the Kharkiv region of eastern Ukraine, according to official Ukrainian sources. A further 19 people were injured, Governor Ole Sinyehubov told the Telegram news channel on Monday. The dead included a 13-year-old child and the injured two children between the ages of four and nine. Russian troops are said to be using tunnels to reduce the speed of landing in the air, which only reacts to motion. This information could not be verified at first.

Eleven people, including a seven-year-old child, have been killed in the area in the past 24 hours, according to Ukrainian sources. Russian troops are said to have fired 60 rounds of artillery, several rocket launchers and mortars. Russia has been waging a war of aggression against its neighbors for nearly seven weeks.

Firefighters tried to put out a house fire in Kharkiv.

© Felipe Dana / dpa

Russia says it has captured the port of Mariupol

Updated April 11, 5:02 pm: The port of Mariupol, a southeastern Ukrainian city that has been competing for weeks, is said to be under Russian control. Russian agencies Rhea and Interfax wrote on Monday that the Armed Forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic had come under control, according to Donetsk separatist leader Denis Pussilin.

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Ukraine, meanwhile, has accused Russia of seizing a ship in the port of Mariupol. The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Ukrainian Parliament Lyudmila Denisova wrote in a letter to the Telegram on Monday that 18 sailors and the captain’s wife had been arrested. Russian troops fire on a ship that had previously flown the Liberian flag. In addition to the Ukrainian citizens, an Egyptian was also among the prisoners.

On Sunday, pro-Russian separatists announced that Ukrainian troops had captured two foreign ships and its crew in Mariupol and were shelling the city from there.

Bundeswehr flies wounded Ukrainians out of Poland

Updated April 4, 4:41 pm: On Monday, Bundeswehr flew wounded Ukrainians on a special flight to Germany for treatment. The Airbus A310 MedEvac was carrying wounded children and adults to Rzeszow in southeastern Poland on Monday, the air force said. The injured were civilians.

According to reports, those injured during the flight were given medical treatment. In Germany, they have to be treated in civilian hospitals, a spokesman for the Federal Ministry of Defense said. Bundeswehr is solely responsible for transportation, and the operation is coordinated by the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

This aircraft was the first since the start of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The city of Rzeszow is located 90 kilometers southeast of Poland, about 90 kilometers from the Ukrainian border.

An immediate large-scale attack from eastern Ukraine may be imminent

Updated April 3, 3:47 pm: Russia’s new, major offensive in eastern Ukraine may be imminent. Satellite imagery of the American company Maxar Technologies provides cause for concern – and Vice President Robert Hebek (Greens) also considers the Russian attack.

A long Russian convoy can be seen in the pictures taken east of the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv on Friday (April 8). According to New York Times The convoy, which is said to have hundreds of military vehicles, is about 13 kilometers long. Vehicles were moving southward towards the city of Izium.

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Ukrainian forces are preparing for the “final battle” for Mariupol

Updated April 2, 2:04 pm: The Ukrainian armed forces say they are preparing for a “final war” around Mariupol. “Today will be the last battle because there is a shortage of ammunition,” the 36th Marine Regiment said on Facebook on Monday. The soldiers were “pushed back” and “surrounded” by the Russian army. Victory means “death for some of us and imprisonment for the rest”.

Of President of Ukraine Volodymyr ZhelenskyHe said in a video message to South Korea’s parliament that he believed “tens of thousands of Mariupol civilians had been killed.” The Russians have “completely destroyed” the siege of the southern Ukrainian port city for weeks. In his speech, he also asked for military support from South Korea, “from planes to tanks.”

Meanwhile, Caritas International, an aid organization, said two workers had been killed in war-torn Mariupol *. Two Ukrainian workers and a man seeking help were killed in a rocket attack on the organization’s building.

Updated April 2, 2:00 pm: Vladimir Putin has reportedly appointed a new general to lead Russia’s attack on Ukraine. According to information from Washington Post The military has already played a key role in the bloody air war in Syria*.

Alexander Dvornikov

Eric Romanenko via

Updated April 1, 1:30 pm: According to the government, nine escape corridors have been set up for civilians in rival areas in eastern Ukraine. From the port city of Mariupol, which has been particularly hard hit by Russian attacks, Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vareshchuk explained in a telegram that the route for private vehicles in the direction of the city of Zaporizhia is possible.

Escape routes should be set up from the city of Berdyansk and elsewhere in the region. Five sidewalks now run from parts of the Luhansk region to the city of Bakmut, Vereshchuk explained. New ways to get out of conflict points are announced every day. About 2,800 civilians were able to leave the contested areas on Sunday, according to Wereshchuk. The warring parties repeatedly accuse Russia and Ukraine of sabotaging the evacuation of cities and towns. Meanwhile, the visit of Austrian President Carl Neymar to Moscow caused a stir.

War in Ukraine: Russian troops reportedly destroy 78 military items

Updated April 12, 12:46 pm: According to the Russian Armed Forces, another 78 Ukrainian military items were destroyed. A spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry said: “Russian air defense forces shot down two Ukrainian Su-25 fighter jets near the village of Izium.” Also, a MI-24 attack helicopter from Ukraine was shot down in the Cerson area.

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In addition, several Ukrainian command points, ammunition and fuel depots and air defense systems were reportedly destroyed. According to Russian sources, this includes the S-300 system provided by the European Union near the eastern Ukrainian city of Dinibro.

Ukraine war: Putin’s allies want to “completely liberate” Luhansk and Donetsk

Updated April 10, 10:13 AM: Russian President of the Republic of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov is reportedly threatening to launch further attacks on Ukrainian cities during the Ukraine war. “There will be attacks not only on Mariupol, but on other places, cities and villages,” said the son of Republican ruler Ahmed Khadiro, who died in 2004. These military forces * Departed from the Autonomous Republic to the Russian army and fighting for the country of Vladimir Putin in the war in Ukraine.

Putin’s “bloodhound” Kadyrov declares a major offensive in the Ukraine war.

© Image Alliance / dpa / AP

In a video released by the Telegram, the 45-year-old explained that the cities of Luhansk and Donetsk would first be “completely liberated”, followed by Kiev and other areas. “The militants of the Chechen Republic, along with the soldiers of the Russian Federation and the Donbass, are successfully carrying out the tasks assigned by our state leadership in accordance with the plan,” Kadyrov told his supporters in a video message. The Western media often refer to Kadir as Vladimir Putin’s “bloodhound.”

Ukraine war: Selenskyj on the phone with Scholes – and praises German “change”

First Report: MOSCOW / KIEV – On Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky spoke by telephone with President Olaf Scholes. It’s about three specific things over time Conflict in Ukraine: How to bring war criminals to justice, tighten sanctions against Russia and seek peace in Russia.

Although the Ukrainian side blames Russia as a whole, the attacking country takes the opposite view. The pioneers in the East between 2014 and 2021 are significant in relation to the increase in Ukraine. “They captured Crimea and we should blame it,” said the Ukrainian president. “They destroyed every normal life in Donbass.” The head of government was pleased that the German position had recently “turned in favor of Ukraine.”

Russian soldiers from the military task force of former Chechen ruler Ahmed Khadiro.

© IMAGO / Viktor Antonyuk

The Russian side explains Government plot in Ukraine * (2014) Russian-born people in this part of the country were increasingly persecuted, expelled and killed. (PF) * is an offer IPPEN.MEDIA

Rubriclistenbild: © Felipe Dana / dpa

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