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HomeTop NewsTrump Makes Disparaging Comments About Women - Politics

Trump Makes Disparaging Comments About Women – Politics


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Former US President Donald Trump has once again created a sensation by making offensive comments against women. A video of Trump being questioned last October about a rape case against a Republican was released on Friday. In the 48-minute clip, plaintiff Jean Carroll’s attorney, Roberta Kaplan, asks Trump questions about the case, which is currently in court in New York. Trump, who has announced that he will run for president again, has once again denied the allegations while repeating his demeaning comments to women.

Carroll alleged that Trump sexually assaulted her in a New York City department store in the mid-1990s. Trump, not yet a politician but a real estate tycoon, has always denied the allegation — saying, among other things, that Carroll wasn’t his “type.” Criminal charges are barred by law, but Carroll was free to file a suit under civil law. She is demanding compensation. The pleas in the case are expected next week.

When asked about Trump’s statements that Carroll was not his type — as well as another woman who has accused him of sexual assault — the Republican lawyer told Kaplan in the investigative video: “You wouldn’t be my choice either. I hope you’re not offended, honestly. There’s no way I’d be interested in you.” Trump says he didn’t mean to offend. “But if someone accuses me of something, I think I have the right to be insulted.”

Elsewhere, Kaplan submitted a photo of Trump in which he mistook Carol for his then-wife. The former president insists again and again that he doesn’t know Carole, knows nothing about “this madman” and only congratulated her in a photo at a charity event — without her knowledge.

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Various women have accused Trump of sexual harassment in the past, which he has always denied. During his 2016 presidential campaign, an old audio recording was also made public in which Trump made lewd and degrading statements about women — and about the fact that stars could touch women’s genitals against their will if they wanted to. During the hearing, Trump’s attorney also addressed the video and the statements it contained. Trump has since defended his words, saying, “If you look at the last million years, that’s mostly true, not always, but mostly true. Unfortunately — or fortunately.”

In the 2024 presidential election, Trump wants to run for the Republican nomination again — and he’s leading the polls so far among potential Republican candidates. He views the trial in New York, like other legal proceedings against him, as an attempt to block him politically. In the now-released video, Trump called Kaplan a “political agent” and a “disgrace.” Of course, the former president has no evidence for these claims.

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