The Russian governor sends the assembled people home

The mobilization of Russian reserves continues in a chaotic manner. Thousands of men now had to be drafted in eastern Russia despite being unfit.

In the eastern Russian region of Khabarovsk, half of the several thousand men called up as part of Russian mobilization have been sent home, according to the governor. The men received draft notices but were later turned away at the recruitment office, he said in a video on his Telegram channel on Monday.

Russian governor Mikhail Dektyarev admits mistakes – and fires his military commissar. (Quelle: IMAGO/Pavel Bednyakov)

Degtyarev explained that the victims did not meet the selection criteria for entering military service. The military commissar of the region, Yuri Lyko, was dismissed.

More violations of mobilization rules in Khabarovsk

The demobilization announced by the Kremlin on September 21 leads to repeated chaos. Men are often mistakenly coerced, including fathers of large families who are actually excluded. According to the Russian portal “Radio Svoboda”, a man suffering from schizophrenia and a resident raising a disabled daughter were recently admitted in the Khabarovsk region.

In fact, according to Russian officials, only those with combat experience should be drafted in the first instance. Preference is also given to those working in related professions like doctors. Students and sick persons should be exempted. Since September 21, thousands of men have tried to leave Russia to avoid being drafted

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