Suspicion of monkey flu in the colon – is clear in Dசsseldorf

Image courtesy of the UK Health Security Agency shows monkey box patients' skin lesions

Image courtesy of the UK Health Security Agency shows monkey box patients’ skin lesions

Source: dpa

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In Cologne, it looks like a man has a monkey box infection. Test results are still pending. Meanwhile, the city of D டுsseldorf offers all the clarity for its area in the case of a patient suffering from monkey fever who is being treated in Munich.

In Monkey box infection is suspected in the colon. The city said Monday that a person showing common symptoms of the disease has been isolated at home. Test results are still pending.

On Friday it was the first time in Germany முஞ்சன் The monkey has been confirmed to be suffering from fever. The monkey box virus usually causes only mild symptoms, but can also have severe cases. It is mainly spread through direct contact or contact with contaminated materials. A – Probably very rare – transmission via droplets in air is possible over short distances.

According to the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Health, the case in Munich has nothing to do with the NRW. In the case Coln The ministry is dealing with the spread of monkey flu in Gran Canaria.

Meanwhile, the city gives Dசsseldorf Everything is clear to your area affected by monkey fever being treated in Munich. This person had previously actually stayed at Düsseldorf. However, health officials in Munich have determined that the patient was actually staying in Dசsseldorf before he contracted monkey flu, a Dusseldorf city spokesman said Monday. The infection only occurred during a stop on the way to Munich.

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