Scientists discover a giant tropical water mass in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean

For starters, there’s not much water. Sure, the world’s oceans are full of monsters, wonders, and…

Pluto’s “almost twin” dwarf planet Eris is surprisingly squishy

Nearly 18 years ago, astronomers discovered an icy mini-world called… Iris Billions of miles beyond Neptune.…

Solar flares trigger an aurora alert and a “Geomagnetic Storm Warning” •

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noah(Space Weather Prediction Center)SWPC), a major division of the National Weather…

Mysterious bird-like footprints in Africa predate the existence of birds: ScienceAlert

Researchers have taken a closer look at some bird-like footprint fossils in Africa, dating back about…

The Geminid meteor shower reaches its peak in mid-December thanks to this puzzling asteroid

December stargazing events to look out for The last full moon of the year occurs near…

The “lost city” deep in the Atlantic Ocean is unlike anything else we’ve seen on Earth

The reality of what lies within our oceans has fascinated people since time immemorial, so it’s…

SpaceX Starlink will launch Wednesday evening from Cape Canaveral

Updates: Below is live coverage of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket liftoff on Saturday at 11pm…

The only pictures taken of Venus are very scary

Written by April Ryder | published 12 seconds ago It is certainly difficult to obtain images…

Does a giant vacuum divide the universe?

The recent “Hubble jitter” in cosmology, characterized by conflicting measurements of the expansion rate, raises questions…

NASA administrator praises the success of Chandrayaan-3 in India

The NASA director said that India deserves all praise for this achievement. Mumbai: Pointing out India’s…