The Juno spacecraft is preparing to take a closer look at Jupiter's tortured moon

NASA's Jupiter Curiosity Probe is becoming friendlier with the planet's most volatile moon, Io. The Juno…

Why does gravity pull us down and not up?

Einstein's general relativity explains gravity as a result of the curvature of spacetime due to mass,…

Ancient bricks reveal new evidence about a massive anomaly in Earth's magnetic field

Matthew D. Howland These ancient clay bricks are stamped with an inscription mentioning the Mesopotamian king…

Are eyeball planets a real thing?

Written by Robert Scocchi | published 11 seconds ago If you've ever felt like you're being…

Further doubts have been raised about the exomoon candidates

In 2017, the astronomy world was buzzing advertisement This exoplanet, Kepler-1625b, likely has its own moon,…

SpaceX's record-breaking rocket falls into the ocean after the 19th mission

This is not investment advice. The author has no position in any of the stocks mentioned.…

Unification of Twistronics and Spintronics for advanced electronics

Twistronics is a new field in quantum physics, which involves stacking van der Waals materials to…

Princeton astrophysicists unravel the mystery of black hole jets and galactic 'light sabers'

Researchers from Princeton University have discovered that the M87* black hole expels energy outward, contributing to…

Artificial intelligence reveals the secrets of oxygen production on the Red Planet

Recent advances in manufacturing oxygen on Mars using an AI-powered robotic chemist to create OER catalysts…

New strategy reveals 'full chemical complexity' of quantum decoherence

Researchers in Rochester have announced a strategy to understand how quantum coherence of molecules is lost…