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Putin’s skirmishes highlight Ukraine’s predicament


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Armed and aggressive: a Russian Su-34 fighter jet. Dozens of these types of aircraft are stationed at bases in the Russian interior. Ukraine is still not allowed to attack with US ATACMS missiles (code photo). © IMAGO / Deposit Photos

Putin’s Voronezh-Malshevo bombing base is within missile range of the Ukrainians; and its destruction for their interests. But America remains stubborn.

Voronezh – “It sounds silly, but they seem to be doing their best to shield the planes that are easy prey,” Stephen Watkins said of Russia’s fighter jets and bombers. Canadian blogs told the American broadcaster about the ships and planes CNN Infers the value of protecting Russian fighter jets parked in the open with old car tires. Images of it have surfaced time and time again – perhaps intended to protect against drones or make spying more difficult.

Putin’s fighter jets are parked in the open – Russia’s bombing base is located just after the border with Ukraine

At the Voronezh-Malshevo Air Base, Vladimir Putin, on the other hand, is clearly showing off the power of his warplanes – and he knows Ukraine’s hands are tied.

“The Voronezh-Malshevo air base in southern Russia, 160 kilometers from the Ukrainian border, is perhaps Russia’s most important — and most vulnerable — target,” the magazine currently writes. Forbes Putin’s fighter jets to a bombing range parked in the open.

Attack on Putin’s warplanes: Russia’s bombers are undisturbed due to US ATACMS veto.

However, orders may come from the US to leave the site undisturbed. It looks ridiculous to the audience: Forbes The Russian Air Force’s 47th Guards Bomber Regiment, along with Sukhoi Su-34 carriers, reports flying glider strikes over Ukraine from this base. According to the new American doctrine, the airfield should have long been considered a legitimate target.

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Forbes Based on the claims of open source information service Predictive Intelligence, according to which Voronezh-Malshevo was within range of US-made ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile Systems) missiles. It speculates that “Ukraine would disable the entire operational fleet stationed there if it allowed such an attack.” Predictive Intelligence About the lack of attack on Putin’s fighter jets and bombers

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Bloggers get support from it Institute for War Studies: Joe Biden demanded that “Ukraine be allowed to strike all military targets in Russia’s operational and deep rear areas with US-supplied weapons.” ISWabout what Newsweek He said…

“Kiev appears to be pursuing a clear strategy of either forcing the VKS to vacate its bases within several hundred kilometers of the Ukrainian border or deploying a large number of air defense systems to protect them.”

Attack on Putin’s fighter jets and bombers: Russian base is within Ukrainian ATACMS range

The think tank recently released a map full of maps showing which areas under Vladimir Putin’s illegal occupation are within range of US long-range missiles. One thing is clear: Putin’s fighter and bomber airfield in Voronezh is within range of the ATACMS version, which has a shorter range of 500 kilometers and has long been used by Ukraine. Forbes But at the same time makes it clear: “Ukrainian armed forces have other ways to stop cruise missiles.”

In principle, the US government authorized attacks on military targets: noise The Washington Post US President Joe Biden has authorized Ukrainian commanders to “attack Russian forces as they attack or prepare to attack them” in and around Kharkiv, near the border in northeastern Ukraine. Mail writes If Ukraine is attacked or plans to remove military equipment across the border, Ukraine will be allowed to fire back, the statement said. Kyiv Post. The distance between Ukrainian Kharkiv and Russian Voronezh is less than 400 kilometers.

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The ISW His analysis is unmistakable: Ukrainian officials have consistently pointed to the need for additional air defense and modern fighter jets to actively seize airspace and come to eye-to-eye with Russia’s warplanes and other air forces. However, all serious efforts were ultimately unsuccessful, he writes, instead, the Russian Armed Forces “exploited the existing limitations of Ukrainian air defenses and continued to send tactical fighter jets to the front to conduct large-scale glide bomb attacks to protect the ongoing Russians in support of offensive operations against Ukrainian positions.” ISW.

According to the reports of the Strategic Communications Center of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (Stratcom). The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed or damaged the following fighters and bombers in the first six months of this year: nine Su-25s, one Su-57, two MiG-31s, approximately 13 Su-34s, two Su-35s, two A-50s reconnaissance aircraft, An Il-22M1 and a Tu-22M3 strategic bomber as an airborne commando. The attack by Su-57 Prestige bombers in particular hurt Russia. In early June, Ukraine claimed to have fired a Russian stealth bomber for the first time. This was reported by the Directorate General of Investigation (HUR) of the Ministry of Defence. It is not yet clear whether the plane was damaged or not.

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Attacks on fighter jets and bombers: patriots on the ground – Ukraine believes seven and needs 25 systems

However, the plane hit the ground, also on Russian territory – presumably by a drone. Ukraine’s intelligence service reported through various media that the attack on the Akhtubinsk airfield in the Astrakhan region, 589 kilometers from the Ukrainian war zone, was referred to by satellite images. In doing so, the Ukrainians have demonstrated to Putin’s troops that they must take the risk of counterattacks — including warplanes and bombing — on their own territory seriously. According to the report, Russia has 134 Su-34 bombers Flight Global Air Force Index; Several dozen of them are said to be loud Forbes Parking in Voronezh-Malshevo – primarily in the open; So they will provide Ukraine with a better target.

to Forbes There is no alternative to using ATACMS – only this weapon system gets to the root of the danger of glide bomb deployment. After the second best option Forbes-Author David Ox uses more mobile Patriot units against approaching Clyde bombers – according to him, this is not a good idea: due to lack of mass. “Ukraine currently has only three such systems – two from Germany and one from the US. However, he considers seven to be the absolute minimum and aims to expand to 25,” he currently writes. The New Zurich Times. A sniper in Kiev, reports Forbes. Others appear to have taken up positions around Odessa and Kharkiv. It speculates that “two additional batteries, promised but not yet delivered by Germany and the United States, will protect Dnipro and the large city of Krivi Rih.” Forbes.

Danger to Putin’s warplanes and bombers: Relocation of Patriots within range of bombing base apparently not an issue

As stated therein NZZ Not until April did Germany begin fielding another Patriot system: Italy was sending the Champ/D, an anti-aircraft system comparable to the Patriot in terms of firepower and range. “Now it seems that at least seven more patriotic fire units can be achieved with more foreign aid,” he concludes. NZZ.

Still doubt it Forbes, the Ukrainians will move batteries from the so-called neuralgic points to the northern border to block the route between Voronezh-Malshevo and Kharkiv, putting Putin’s fighter jets and bombers in the area at risk. And bloggers from Predictive Intelligence Warn against repositioning, as the battlefield is too glassy to safely shift positions; Ukraine has reportedly already lost two missiles to drone strikes.

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F-16 fighter jets approaching:

The announced reinforcement of the Ukrainian air force with Western aircraft does not appear to be a substitute for strikes with ATACMS, writes Justin Bronk: Ukraine’s interception of long-awaited F-16 fighters, Swedish Gripen C and French Mirage 2000-5F Russian cruise missiles is a difficult task.

Closer to the front, Ukrainian pilots of F fighters must fly at very low altitudes to avoid being detected and eliminated by Russian short-range or long-range air defenses, British scientist analyse. Royal United Services Institute for Defense and Security Studies (RUSI).

F-16 fighter jets in fight against Russia: As things stand, no help against Putin’s glide bombers

According to him, AIM-120C AMRAAM missiles carried by F-16 fighters and the MICA short-range IR/RF missiles of the Gripen C and Mirage 2000-5F “will have difficulty engaging Russian missiles.” Reaches up to 70 km. This is because rockets start at such a low altitude in dense air with high air resistance and must climb against gravity to reach the altitude of their targets. According to Frank, this leads to a relatively low efficiency range. At higher altitudes, i.e. in thin air and fired from a supersonic carrier, the range of the weapons will increase – but at the same time the visibility of their carriers to Russian air defenses will increase.

Justin Frank assesses the successful Ukrainian use of long-range drones against the Russian Air and Space Forces (VKS). A perimeter of several hundred kilometers or so around the Ukrainian border would require the use of large-scale air defense systems. (Carsten Hinzmann)

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