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HomeTechNew data seems to show that PS5 sales are outselling Xbox 2:1

New data seems to show that PS5 sales are outselling Xbox 2:1


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picture: Daniel Poczarski/WireImage (Getty Images)

We all know that Sony's PS5 outperforms Microsoft's Xbox Series. Sony gives us sales data, Microsoft hasn't done that in years. You generally don't keep quiet about these things when the news is great. And new data seems to indicate what we've all suspected: the Xbox Series

Microsoft's Xbox sales have been a mystery since 2016, when the company announced It stopped reporting hardware sales. During Microsoft's regulatory battles as part of its journey to acquire Activision Blizzard, we learned that… PS4 outsold Xbox 2:1. Now, a financial report detailing how many next-gen consoles are out in the wild seems to reveal that, with a little math, Microsoft's newest console isn't doing any better.

According to the segment of Take-Two Games' third quarter financial report, approximately 77 million “9th generation” consoles have been sold as of December 2023. The 9th generation represents the Xbox Series Figuring out how much of the 77 million is for Xbox and how much for PS5 isn't too difficult, even if Microsoft refuses to provide sales statistics. Instead, we can look at Sony's statistics, which revealed this in December 2023 50 million PS5 units sold to consumers. Assuming Sony has sold a million or more consoles since then, Xbox has likely only sold around 25 million consoles worldwide. Add it all up and Sony's PS5 has likely sold twice as much as the Xbox Series

Normally, this data wouldn't be so exciting or set off so many fire alarms across the internet, but keep in mind that a lot of Xbox users are now waiting to see what the future of the brand will be after reports surfaced that suggested big exclusives, such as Starfieldmay make its way to PS5. It ignited a huge firestorm While people wait to hear from Xbox head Phil Spencer next week and find out what the future of Xbox looks like.

More data showing how hot Xbox consoles are selling doesn't help calm these people as they worry about the unlikely scenario of Microsoft pulling Sega, getting rid of its consoles, and publishing its games on all platforms. Next week can't come soon enough.


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