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Love horoscopes for Monday, June 24, 2024 for each sign


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You can’t follow your heart and wonder what others will think once you do. But you often can’t completely follow your heart and follow the rules as well. Sometimes, love is the only thing worth breaking any rules for. This may mean that you break the status quo and make a different decision than your family or friends would like, but it may also push you to finally let go of all the reasons why you can’t – and choose one reason that will work.

Since asteroid Lilith in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, you’ll feel a deeper urge to follow your heart, but you may become a bit unpredictable in how you do so. This may trigger some hurt feelings in others, or you may even find yourself behaving in abnormal ways. But the goal is not to conform to the directives of others or even society, but to follow your heart knowing that love will always be true.

Here’s what this means for the love horoscopes for each zodiac sign on Monday, June 24, 2024.


You have an uncanny ability to follow your heart and go after what you want. Don’t let recent events make you doubt yourself or your abilities. If you have a chance at love and happiness, it’s time to allow yourself to do whatever it takes to make it happen. Do not leave an opportunity for doubt or failure; Instead, follow your heart into the arms of the one you love.

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No one reaches the end point in life where they are rewarded with a medal for following all the rules, Taurus. However, this means that you may also have to start thinking more independently for yourself and not so much about doing the right thing or even being defined by others as a good person. You may have to take a big risk today for love, but if it comes from your heart sincerely, you will already know that this is what you should do.

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You often have no problems expanding the rules to fit your desires, but you do need to make sure that your choices are truly leading to the destination of love and intimacy. Perhaps there has been a recent tendency to do what you want without thinking much about the implications. Take time to review your choices, and don’t be afraid to take responsibility because it may save this connection in your life.

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It may come as a surprise to others, Cancer, when you finally start putting yourself first because it’s simply something you rarely do. But taking care of yourself, protecting your peace, and following your dreams is how you set the standard for others to do the same. Don’t apologize for your boundaries, learn to say no, or even don’t say it now. You don’t owe someone everything just because you love them, after all, you’re supposed to love yourself first.

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Take time to think creatively, Leo. There’s a certain thing you’ve been struggling to understand lately, and while you’ve tried to attack it logically, practically, and even emotionally, it hasn’t helped you decide which direction to take. Instead, look at this from a different perspective and ask yourself, if you could do anything, what would it be? Because this question may provide the answer you were looking for.

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Virgo, it’s okay to be a little wild from time to time. You don’t need to have it all together or look like the perfect partner. You can be that free spirit who enjoys life like everyone else. While others can often back you into a certain corner, this is also the choice you often make first for yourself. You don’t have to be anything you are, and if you need some excitement, it’s also your job to create it.

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If you’re worried about whether telling the truth will end the relationship, this is your red flag. It should never matter if you are telling the truth or even doing what you dream of. If being yourself seems to be jeopardizing your connection, that’s a sign not to walk, but to run in the other direction. Don’t let anyone undermine your growth or all that you are capable of.

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the scorpion

Take some time for yourself, Scorpio, and don’t worry about having to have all the answers. Just sit with yourself and contemplate your love life. See what the day brings for you and realize that you don’t need all those conversations in your head for things to go your way. All you have to do is tell the truth, and it will be easier to find it after you get comfortable and take care of yourself.

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The idea is to find a partner who accepts every aspect of you, even if it means they can’t handle every part of your personality. And if they can’t, it’s also not an invitation to try to find a relationship that will be that – as no one can be expected to be someone’s everything. Allow yourself to make the most of your connection while still seeking what you need through healthy relationships with others. Your partner will feel relieved, which may help you understand what forever love looks like.

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Forgiveness is often one of the most challenging aspects of love, whether it’s forgiving a current partner or even an ex with whom you have yet to interact. Forgiveness does not mean that what happened is okay, it means that you choose not to bear the burden of the hurt anymore. Allow yourself to radically forgive your romantic partners and yourself because you deserve to move into this new chapter feeling as light and hopeful as possible.

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There is a deep inner knowing that I have been returning to in recent weeks, and although the timing must be right for you to realize this, it is also an issue that cannot be put off any longer. There is a connection in your life that you are starting to look for the cracks within. Maybe you thought you’d be with them forever, but now, that seems like a distant memory. To figure out next steps, you can let yourself feel what you’re going through.

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The only thing better than your fantasy of love is when the actual thing shows up in your life, Pisces. But it can be hard to receive and believe, especially with all the grief you’ve been through. The best thing, and even the most extreme choice, you can make in this moment, is to give it your all. No more trying to hold the other person down or give them time, but simply let this person know that all you want is a future together. .

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Kate Rose is a writera spiritual astrologer, relationship and life counselor, and a detailed retreat leader.

. "Professional creator. Lifelong thinker. Reader. Beer buff. Troublemaker. Evil problem solver."

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