Tuesday, July 2, 2024
HomeEconomyJPMorgan, Citi, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo are all raising dividends

JPMorgan, Citi, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo are all raising dividends


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Some of the largest banks in the United States have announced plans to increase their profits after passing the Federal Reserve’s latest stress test.

JPMorgan Chase (JPM) is Increase its profits To $1.25 per share from $1.15. The bank’s board of directors also approved a share buyback plan worth $30 billion.

Bank of America (BAC) enhances Its earnings to $0.26 per share from $0.24, Citigroup (C) earnings are going to $0.56 per share from $0.53 Wells Fargo (WFC) earnings. Rises to $0.40 from $0.35.

Yahoo Finance Broadcaster Julie Heyman He crunches the numbers in the video above.

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This post was written by Stephanie Mikulic.

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The largest US banks unveiled their capital plans after stress test results earlier this week.

Julie Hyman is back with us here with the latest details.


so what?

Basically, what we have now is all the major banks telling us what their earnings will be and what their share buyback plans are.

So let me give you the headlines first and then explain what’s going on here and why we’re learning about this now.

City Group.

Let’s Begin.

There is a plan to pay a quarterly dividend of 56 cents per share here.

This is an increase in the company’s earnings here by a few cents here we have JP.

Morgan says it plans to raise its quarterly dividend to $25 per share from $15 per share.

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Morgan is also planning a new buyback plan of up to $30 billion.

This is its new mandate that replaces its previous mandate.

Wells Fargo said it will boost its third-quarter dividend to 40 cents per share.

It’s a gain of about 14% for this company, and then you also have B of America which is also raising its dividend as part of this to 26 cents per share from 24 cents per share.

Why are we getting all this now?

Well, you know, because our Jennifer Schumer has been covering it every year.

Banks are required to undergo stress tests by the Federal Reserve.

This was put into effect during the financial crisis.

As you know, this ensured that banks had sufficient capital in case of an emergency.

So they model the Fed, and they design it.

Everything is going to hell like it did during the financial crisis.

What will these banks look like?

Will they have enough capital to cover their losses?

Once these stress tests are passed, banks can come up with a plan to recover capital.

IE buybacks and dividends.

They submit it for approval, and they are approved.

Then they all announce it on the same day.

This is where we are.

And that’s why, if you’re an investor in a big bank, you’re watching those stress tests?

Yes you were waiting.

What would you get back in terms of money?

So I only mentioned a few of them.

But any bank you can think of today comes out with this information.

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Well, if you are an investor in any of these banks, you should check it out.

Morgan Stanley, for example, will pay a dividend of 92.5 cents to buy back up to $20 billion.

The fifth and third, with its news on this as well.

So all the banks go out with Julie.

Thank you.

we appreciate that.

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