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HomeTop NewsIsrael appears to have destroyed 500 terrorist tunnels

Israel appears to have destroyed 500 terrorist tunnels


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Israel’s military says it has destroyed hundreds of Hamas tunnels in the Gaza Strip. And Israel is renewing its charges against radical Islamic terrorist fighters.

Gaza – Israel has been fighting for weeks. Now the Israeli military is reportedly reporting significant progress in the fight against the radical Islamist Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas.

War in Israel: The Israeli military has reportedly discovered and destroyed hundreds of Hamas tunnels

Specifically: like the army is loud dpa It announced this Sunday (December 3rd) that the Middle East government’s armed forces said they had found more than 800 tunnel mines in the Gaza Strip and destroyed 500 of them.

A Tel Aviv press release said some tunnel shafts linked strategic Hamas facilities underground. Information cannot be independently verified. According to the military, tunnel shafts are located in civilian residential areas, sometimes next to schools, kindergartens or mosques.

This Israeli military drone footage shows the entrance to the Hamas tunnel at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. © IMAGO/Israel Defense Forces

The Israeli military renewed accusations that Hamas is using civilian infrastructure as a shield against bombings. Terrorists have always denied this. In particular, Gaza City is said to have kilometers of tunnels in which Hamas hides weapons and supplies and maintains entire shelters. Military experts and the Israeli military are warning of lurkers in the underground network.

Experts speculate: Hamas’ tunnel system stretches over 400 kilometers in the Gaza Strip

Tel Aviv has so far remained silent on how many Israeli soldiers have died since the invasion of the Gaza Strip, which is about 45 kilometers long and 6 to 14 kilometers wide. “This is the most complex task that a modern army has to deal with in our time,” Hamas expert Mozab Hassan Youssef told the American Broadcasting Corporation. CNN. “This tunnel system is estimated to be 400 kilometers long. (…) It has sophisticated tunnels that can transport entire cars, including warplanes, weapons and luxury goods,” said terrorism expert Peter Newman. King’s College London, explained to ZDF. According to his research, Hamas’ tunnel system is as large as the London Underground.

There is extra oxygen, air filters, everything you need to stay underground for long periods of time. We know that they use motorcycles even inside subways.

“We know it’s a network of dozens of kilometers. Hamas is trying to scare us by saying there are 500 kilometers of tunnels underground. It is certain that we are talking about an enormous and extensive tunnel system interconnected with two goals: from there you can fight attacks and defend yourself. Hamas billion has invested tens of thousands of US dollars there,” Harel Sorev, a military and Middle East expert at the Moshe Dayan Center in Tel Aviv, explained to ARD’s “Tagesschau.” According to his research, some mines are 40 meters underground.

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Hamas terrorists reportedly even use motorcycles in the tunnels

“Hamas people can easily go there. It has supplemental oxygen, air filters, everything needed to stay underground for long periods of time,” Sorev said, listing food storage facilities, an underground water supply and its own power grid. “And we know they use motorcycles inside the tunnels,” he said.

On the Israeli side, it is responsible for finding the Hamas tunnels known as the Jahalom sector. According to Gopi Michael, the head of the study Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) In Tel Aviv, engineers and battle-hardened soldiers. They are equipped with ground radar, drilling rigs and hyperspectral sensors that can localize movements underground.

Against Hamas tunnels in Gaza: Israel may be using GBU-28 bunker buster bombs

GBU-28 bunker busting bombs can be used to destroy tunnels. The bomb is dropped on the target area by fighter jets and under laser guidance it first hits the earth at a depth of 30 meters and detonates with full force underground. Weighing 2.3 tonnes, these projectiles can carry 550 kg of explosives. There has been repeated speculation that the Israeli military is flooding the tunnels or allowing smoke to flow into them to lure Hamas fighters to the surface. Then fight them. (evening)

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