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HomeTop NewsGerman arms exports head for new record

German arms exports head for new record


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As of: June 30, 2024 8:24 am

The self-imposed embargo on German arms supplies in the ongoing war will be a thing of the past from 2022. A year later, arms exports hit a new peak — one that could be surpassed in 2024.

Last year, Germany already set a record for arms exports – and now export permits have increased again. This is shown by the preliminary balance for the first half of 2024. The main reason is the supply of arms to Ukraine.

From January 1 to June 18, the central government allowed at least 7.48 billion euros worth of military goods to be shipped abroad. Compared to the entire first half of 2023, this is a 30 percent increase. Almost two-thirds of exports (65 percent or 4.88 billion euros) are destined for Ukraine, which is being supported by Germany in its defensive campaign against Russia. This emerges from the response of the Ministry of Economic Affairs to the request of Sevim Dagdelen, member of the Bundestag of the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), obtained by the news agency dpa.

Saudi Arabia is again among the most important customers

For the first time in a long time, Saudi Arabia is among the five most important recipient countries with export clearances worth 132.48 million euros. Yemen has been subject to a broad arms export embargo for years because of its involvement in the war and the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. However, the central government has now relaxed this.

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The embargo on the delivery of Eurofighter jets by Great Britain was also lifted. However, the Ministry of Economic Affairs indicated in its response that the approvals were granted exclusively or in connection with joint projects with other EU or NATO partners.

The top five recipient countries also include Singapore (€1.21 billion), India (€153.75 million) and Qatar (€100.0 million). For India, it is about reducing the country’s dependence on Russian arms supplies.

Dagtelan throws a traffic light break Election promises Before

As no reduction in arms supplies to Ukraine is expected, the total volume of arms exports may again reach record levels by the end of the year. Last year, more military equipment was exported than ever before, amounting to 12.2 billion euros. After less than six months, more than 60 percent of this value has already been achieved. Approved exports include combat arms worth 5.52 billion euros and other military equipment worth 1.96 billion euros.

BSW politician Dagtelan strongly criticized the current increase: “The massive increase in arms exports not only to Ukraine, but also to war and crisis areas, is irresponsible and a further violation of election promises by traffic light parties.”

The war in Ukraine brought a turning point

In their coalition negotiations, the SPD, the Greens and the FDP actually planned to limit arms exports and introduce a restrictive law for this purpose. Then came the U-turn in arms policy with the Ukraine war. The self-imposed embargo on arms deliveries in the ongoing war was broken by Chancellor Olaf Scholes (SPD) in his “breakthrough” speech on February 27, 2022.

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In the first year of the war, 2022, according to official government figures, arms supplies worth 2.24 billion euros were approved for Ukraine, including anti-aircraft systems and heavy artillery. In 2023, among others, “Leopard 2” battle tanks were added, which the central government made available after much hesitation. Exports to Ukraine rose to 4.4 billion euros. This value was exceeded again in the first six months of this year. Germany is Ukraine’s second largest arms supplier after the United States.

. "Amateur alcohol specialist. Reader. Hardcore introvert. Freelance explorer."

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