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HomeTop NewsCorona around the world: more problems for the unvaccinated French - politics

Corona around the world: more problems for the unvaccinated French – politics


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After heated debates – the French National Assembly approves the introduction of stricter restrictions on those who are not vaccinated. Those who are not vaccinated by the new rules will no longer be able to travel to places such as restaurants, theaters or long-distance trains. Early in the morning, the National Assembly approved the draft law in the first reading. Now the Senate has to handle the speech.

In view of the increasing number of corona, the government wants to issue a new vaccine (“PASS vaccine”) instead of the so-called Health Pass, which has so far provided evidence of vaccination and current negative corona test or evidence of survival. A negative test is no longer enough. The government then plans to finalize the condition of those who have recovered. The rules should actually come into effect from January 15. It is not clear whether this schedule can be adhered to due to late approval in the National Assembly.

The number of infections in France has risen sharply over the past few weeks. The Omigron variant is now the main one. On Wednesday, the country peaked with more than 332,000 epidemics in a single day. Most recently, the value of the event, i.e. the number of new infections per 100,000 people nationwide, was 1908. Considering the number, President Emmanuel Macron threatened to “biz off” those who were not vaccinated – thus sparking heated debates in the National Assembly. (06.01.2022)

Hong Kong’s interior minister should be isolated after the virus fell

He was isolated after Hong Kong’s Interior Minister Caspar Sui and nine senior politicians attended a ceremony attended by more than 100 people. One of the guests was confirmed to be Govt-19. Prime Minister Gary Lam told a news conference that Suu Kyi had been taken to an isolated center.

“I have to say I was disappointed,” he said. “We have made every effort to fight the epidemic. As top government officials, we have even more reasons to lead by example and avoid private meetings that pose a greater risk.” Tsui’s office did not respond to a request for comment on Thursday.

In Hong Kong, many residents have been vaccinated by the Chinese company Sinovac Biotech, which shows little protection against the Omikron variant. So the fear of the new wave is high. (06.01.2022)

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The Grammy Music Awards have been postponed

The Grammy Music Awards have been postponed due to the rapid spread of the highly contagious Omigron variant of the corona virus. The Recording Academy in Los Angeles has a number of risks involved in hosting the show on January 31st. The 64th Awards Ceremony will follow. The new date will be announced soon. Nominations were announced in November. The Grammy Awards are one of the most coveted music awards in the world. (05.01.2022)

Rio de Janeiro does without the street festival

The Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro has canceled the world-famous street festival for the second time in a row due to the Corona epidemic. Mayor Eduardo Pius justified this by saying that it was practically impossible to comply with admission restrictions and other corona measures at the street festival that hundreds of groups had registered in Rio. Despite mourning the failure of the street festival, according to Brazilian television, the mayor’s decision was well received by groups known as the “Blocos”.

In its last edition in 2020, the Rio Carnival attracted more than three million people to the streets in four days. Plans for the famous parades in Sambotrom in February and March are currently pending. Restrictions to protect against infection are easy to implement there, Pius said. The basic idea is that evidence for the vaccine and the need for a negative corona test from participants and observers.

In Brazil, more than 22 million of the country’s 210 million residents are infected with the corona virus, according to official figures. About 618,000 patients have died in connection with Govit-19 – the highest number of deaths in the United States alone. As the vaccination campaign progressed, the number of new deaths fell sharply – hope grew, especially in Rio. Nearly 70 percent of the Brazilian population is now fully vaccinated. (05.01.2022)

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Omikron is leading to new negative records worldwide

Many countries around the world are recording new negative records with corona infection due to Omigran variation. In Turkey, for example, 66,467 new infections were reported in the last 24 hours. The Ministry of Health has reported that the number of daily infections caused by the Omigran virus variant has doubled in less than a week. Despite the sharp increase in the number of infections, there has been no alarming increase so far in those admitted to hospitals.

Italy and Croatia also announce new record highs for new epidemics. The Italian Ministry of Health reported 189,109 new cases and the Croatian Civil Defense 8587 new cases. The latter is 47 percent higher compared to the previous day. According to the CDC, the number of new cases in the United States has risen by an average of 98 percent in a week. At the same time, the number of hospital admissions increased by 63 percent compared to weekly. The Netherlands also set a new record with about 24,500 new infections.

Not different in France. There, more than 330,000 corona infections were reported, with record values ​​recorded in a single day. The Omigron variant is now predominant in France. According to official figures, one-tenth of London’s nearly nine million residents tested positive for the virus this week. According to the ONS statistics, about 3.7 million people were affected across the country last week – more than ever.

The British government has so far rejected strict restrictions, citing a relatively small number of hospital admissions and deaths. In some areas, Premier Johnson is easing restrictions. As of Friday morning, there was no need to check in before leaving for the UK. Upon arrival, a quick test instead of a PCR variant will suffice. Boris Johnson says the previous obligation to carry out a check-in before leaving for the UK “prevents many travelers because they fear they will be stranded abroad with significant additional costs”. (05.01.2022)

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The fourth vaccine increases the antibody content fivefold over a short period of time

Only about 39 percent of the population in Germany received the booster vaccine against Govt-19, and Israel began offering the second booster vaccine over the weekend. The recipient of them is thus protected by a total of four cans. Initial data now show that the fourth syringe increases the level of antibodies in the blood by almost five times, thus significantly increasing protection against Covit-19. The announcement was made by Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett Sheba after a visit to the medical center.

The efficacy and safety of the second booster vaccine are currently being tested at the country’s largest hospital near Tel Aviv. The study includes 150 hospital staff who were raised for the first time four months ago. “Simply put: the fourth dose is safe and the fourth dose works,” Bennett said – but stressed that the results are still preliminary. The study is yet to be published. At the same time, Bennett said he expects tens of thousands of confirmed Omigron cases in the coming days. “The wave is actually forming now.” The good news is, vaccines work – anyone who is vaccinated and wears a mask is less likely to become seriously ill. “So it’s in our hands,” Bennett said.

The head of the Israeli study on the effectiveness of the fourth corona vaccine sees a five-fold increase in antibodies as “good, but not enough.” “We see a definite increase in antibodies, but the increase is not very pleasant,” Kili Regev told the Israeli news site. Ynet. After the fourth vaccination, after the third vaccination, you return to the same antibody level, Reque said. She was expecting more from the second stimulant vaccine. Vaccination against the corona virus every four months may not be the goal. He was delighted that endangered populations of people with immunodeficiency and those over 60 in Israel had already been given a fourth dose, Regev said. “But I do not know if they should be given to everyone now. We need more information.” (05.01.2022)

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