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HomeTop NewsCapri currently does not allow any tourists on land

Capri currently does not allow any tourists on land


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As of: Jun 22, 2024 4:02 pm

Fresh water is gushing out of a water pipe on the Italian island of Capri after it burst. This now has consequences for tourists – they are not allowed to enter the island.

Tourists are currently not allowed to go ashore on the Mediterranean island of Capri. After the drinking water supply has declined, the local administration has imposed a ban. The island gets its drinking water through a pipeline from the mainland, but one malfunctioned on Thursday.

In this emergency, Capri has no water supply that can meet the needs of residents and tourists, according to a decree by Mayor Paulo Falco. Therefore, currently only residents are allowed to enter the island.

Supply from local Water conservation

Local water storage facilities are currently used. But these storage facilities are limited – supplies can quickly run out unless they are preemptively supplied from the mainland. The consumption of thousands of tourists could massively worsen the emergency, the restriction continued. Some areas in the west of the island are now without water.

After the restriction was announced, there were long queues at the ticket counters. Boat ticket sale has been stopped. Ships already on their way to Capri had to turn back.

Repair work is in progress

The break occurred Thursday in a water main in the municipality of Castellammare di Stabia in the southern Italian region of Campania. In addition to Capri, the line also offers the Sorrento Peninsula. Repairs were completed as planned, but the water supplier claimed further technical problems later.

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It is not known how long the water supply will be interrupted. A solution is in progress. Until the water tanks are repaired and basic facilities are ensured, the authorities are dependent on the water tanks.

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