Imagine buying new Apple Vision Pro Headphones, $3,500 Only to discover that you, Darat, forgot your password. This has become a very relatable scenario – who among us has never forgotten a password in their life? – a reality for some Vision Pro users in recent days. Apple's response: Oh sorry, you can't fix it at home.
I finish Official Apple Community Forums, several Vision Pro owners reported being locked out of their shiny new headphones after entering an incorrect password — not the Apple ID, but the password to unlock the devices — multiple times. When they contacted Apple Support, the owners said employees told them the only solution available was to return the product to the store and have it reset on site or mail it in. The password issue was first reported by Bloomberg.
Once they arrived at the Apple Store, device owners reported that employees fixed the issue by Fasten your developer belt-a Additional accessory worth $300 Which provides a USB-C connection between the Vision Pro and your Mac — to the headset and continue to clear and reset it. The Vision Pro is currently the only Apple product that cannot be reset by the user at home.
The fact that a Developer Belt is needed is actually an issue, as the addon is only available to people who are part of it Apple developer program Not ordinary members of the public.
New Vision Pro users were understandably upset that after paying a lot of money for an Apple headphone, they would have to return it to the store just days after purchasing it. Vision Pro It is officially on sale In the United States last Friday.
It also appears that Apple employees are not prepared to deal with the problem. As one user on the Apple Community forums explains:
“I've contacted Apple Support again in hopes that they will find a solution to this issue. The agent told me that they received a bunch of calls today about this passcode error and that he had to deal with a lot of angry customers after being told that their only recourse was to return to the store,” he said. Apple Support was really surprised by this and apologized for not being better prepared.
Gizmodo reached out to Apple about the issue on Tuesday morning, but did not immediately receive a response.
“Writer. Friendly troublemaker. Lifelong food junkie. Professional beer evangelist.”