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A woman with 10 years of job experience applied to more than 100 positions but was unable to be hired


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While many career experts claim that the job market is steadily increasing with job opportunities, many job candidates find it difficult to secure a job in various companies and organizations.

Wesley Anna, 30, explained in her TikTok video that she was recently laid off and despite her vast years of experience, she can’t seem to find anyone willing to hire her.

Even with 10 years of experience, I’ve applied to over 100 jobs and never received a single offer.

in Wesley In a TikTok video, she decided to inform viewers about the outrageous luck she was having trying to find work after previously losing her last job due to layoffs. “Are you curious about how the job market is doing right now?” I inquired.

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“Let me show you.” Wesley Then she explained to her followers that she’s been keeping track of all the positions she’s applied for on Notion, which is a productivity and organizational tool. “I hid all roles for obvious reasons. There are 100 jobs listed here.”

She went on to say that while people have asked if she might not have qualified for all of the job applications she’s sent out, she does, in fact, have an impressive resume. “I’m not a beginner, I’m not even intermediate,” she asserted. “I am a great designer.”

Wesley She admitted that she has ten years of work experience in her field. For three of those years, she explained, she worked with a company that was Featured in the Fortune 500an annual list that ranks the 500 largest corporations in the United States by total revenue for their respective fiscal years.

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“It was another of those years working with big-brand tech companies, like Softbank and Dropbox,” she added. However, I still woke up [rejection] emails every day.”

Despite the high number of vacancies, many employers prefer only some candidates when hiring.

Unfortunately, there are many such qualified employees Wesley Those who are having difficulty getting a job in the companies they are applying to. However, this does not mean that there are not enough jobs on the market at the moment.

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the The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported, via Vox, that there are 8.4 million potential workers out of work, but it also says that there are 10.9 million vacancies. The rate of the unemployed getting jobs is much lower than it was before the pandemic, and hiring is taking much longer.

in interview with The Washington Post, Julia Pollack, chief economist for jobs site ZipRecruiter, explained, “A lot of employer interest isn’t evenly distributed across the job pool. There are some people who are in high demand and there are some people who aren’t getting any interest at all.”

“Employers really value previous experience a lot.”

So why not be a filter, like Wesleywith impressive work experience and years of holding positions in their desired professional fields and not being hired? According to a report by LinkedIn, there are many reasons.

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Some of these reasons included managers feeling as if experienced candidates did not want to stay in their company for a long period of time, and that these experienced applicants would find mundane tasks assigned to them boring, as they might be used to working on them. sophisticated environments.

Wesley Since then, she has told her followers in another video that she has finally been able to land a job after nearly three months of continuous searching and has even given some advice to all the candidates who are still looking.

Her top tips were for both the network and only apply to jobs for which you feel you’re a “perfect fit”. “Make sure you take the time to find roles that actually work for you, there won’t be too many,” she said.

“If you specifically target these roles and, most importantly, at the interview show enthusiasm for the role, a desire to work there. Then you’ll have a better chance than anyone else who applies.”

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Nia Tipton is a writer living in Brooklyn. They cover popular culture, social justice issues, and trending topics.

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