Friday, July 26, 2024
HomescienceA rare blue moon lights up the sky on Wednesday evening

A rare blue moon lights up the sky on Wednesday evening


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As WDIO reported on August 1st, stargazers are in for a special treat as we approach the end of August. We’ll see the rare blue supermoon on Wednesday night. It is the second full moon for this month. The first full moon was on August 1, which is also called the sturgeon moon.

The super moon on Wednesday is considered the blue moon because it is the second full moon for this month. It’s called the “super moon” because it’s closer to Earth than usual, and it looks particularly big and bright.

According to scientists, this will be the closest full moon of the year, 222.043 miles (357.344 kilometers) away or so. This is more than 100 miles (160 kilometers) closer to the supermoon that appeared on August 1.

Saturn will be visible as a bright point 5 degrees to the upper right of the moon at sunset in the eastern and southeastern sky, according to NASA. The ringed planet will appear to rotate clockwise around the moon as night falls.

If you missed this month’s premiere, you better watch this one. There won’t be another super blue moon until 2037, according to Italian astronomer Gianluca Massi, founder of the Virtual Telescope Project.

Weather permitting, observers don’t need binoculars or telescopes – “just their eyes”. Massey said.

The first supermoon of 2023 was in July. The fourth and final one will be in September.

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