Worldwide – especially in Iran and Saudi Arabia – Politics International – executions on the rise

Horror Sheikh from Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and mullahs in Iran will hang a total of 379 people in 2021!

Iran is responsible for most of the world’s executions. At least 314 people were executed there last year, after 246 executions in the previous year and at an all-time high since 2017. In Saudi Arabia Between 2020 and 2021, the number of executions will double from 27 to 65.

But that’s not all. “This trend will continue in 2022,” said Marcus N. Schmidt, secretary general of Amnesty International in Germany. Pico explains. “Saudi Arabia On the same day in March, 81 people were executed.

By 2021, Amnesty International has documented at least 579 executions in 18 states. This is 20 percent more than the previous year – a worrying increase in executions and executions, the report said. New apology statement.

“This is the responsibility of a small group of uneducated states that continue to perpetrate these horrific and inhumane killings,” Pico said.

As corona operations have been abolished in many countries, courts have again handed down higher death sentences. Despite these setbacks, 2021 is the second-lowest number of documented executions worldwide since 2010.

Iranian mullahs wanted to hang Swedish doctor Ahmadresa Jalali, 50, in Tehran on Saturday. But the execution was postponedPhoto: AFP Photo / Guide / International Amnesty

Um Iran This increase is partly due to the high use of the death penalty by Iranian authorities for drug-related crimes – international law only allows for deliberate use of murder. Iranian authorities also violated the rights of children: they hanged three people under the age of 18 who were allegedly convicted.

In Saudi Arabia For example, Mustafa al-Darwish, with his deeply flawed justice system, was sentenced to death. He was charged with felony criminal mischief for participating in a violent anti-government protest in Saudi Arabia. He was hanged in June 2021 – after a highly unfair trial, using the “confession” extracted by torture as evidence of guilt.

Mustafa al-Darwish (18) was hanged in June 2021

Mustafa al-Darwish (18) was hanged in June 2021Photo: esohr

China, North Korea and Vietnam consider the death penalty a state secret

As in previous years, there is no information on China, North Korea and Vietnam in this balance sheet. However, Amnesty International believes that thousands of executions have been carried out in China and a significant number in North Korea and Vietnam. The governments of these three countries keep information about the death penalty secret and keep it a state secret.

The number of executions has also increased by almost 40 per cent compared to the previous year, with corona relaxations to some extent, previously slowing down judicial proceedings. Courts in 56 states have sentenced at least 2,052 people to death. The increase in the death penalty was particularly significant Inside Egypt, Bangladesh, India, Myanmar And Pakistan. Despite the increase, the total number of new executions worldwide is the second lowest after 2016.

The death penalty as an instrument of state repression

In 2021, many states used the death penalty as an instrument of state repression of minorities and protesters. In Myanmar, for example, the military government is responsible for the alarming rise in the use of the death penalty.

Under martial law, the military interrogated civilians before military courts, where they were sentenced to death in abbreviated terms and had no appeal. Authorities arbitrarily executed nearly 90 people – many of whom did not appear – in what appeared to be a campaign aimed at repression of protesters and journalists.

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