“Maskrovka”: Ukrainians cheat Russians with dummies in trenches

Toys in the trenches?
Apparently, the Ukrainians are fooling the Russians with dummies

The video shows Russian motors shelling a Ukrainian trench occupied by pseudo-forces. The record may be fake, but since the beginning of the war card comrades have been used and play a key role.

Deceiving the enemy is an important combat tactic that leaves one in the dark about one’s own strengths and weaknesses, movements and positions. Dummy cannons, tanks, planes or soldiers are always used for this purpose. This is no different in Ukraine, as shown, among other things, by a video released in the Telegram of the Russian motor attack on a Ukrainian trench.

This record comes from a drone, which is used to adjust the fire and move it towards the target. When zooming in on the camera, it looks like two players are standing normally in a ditch. However, at even greater magnification, they are strangely unnatural, they look like dummies. If you zoom in on the still image of the two figures, they will appear human again.

In the end, the video fake, cut and other possible discrepancies create reasonable suspicions. However, it is true that dummies have been used since the beginning of the Russian offensive, especially on the Ukrainian side. Ain Bloomberg-Video For example, Dummies manages blockades on Mykolaiv in mid-March Tic Tac Toe One can admire the Ukrainian toy representing a soldier with an aerial anti-missile system mounted from the shoulder to the ground.

“Maskirovka” has a long tradition

As “The Times“Fighting with dummies in Ukraine and Russia has a long tradition, and was already taught in military schools under Tsar Nicholas II. The Times reports that he studied the methods and developed them into state policy.

Now the Ukrainians especially use “Maskrovka”, which, among other things, helps to secure the 400-kilometer front line east of their country. At this latitude they could not occupy it, but the Russians had very little evidence to attack everywhere. Therefore, the trenches carried out by the pseudo-forces to tie up the enemy forces are very meaningful.

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