Wednesday, September 25, 2024
HomescienceNASA's Perseverance Rover Discovers Strange 'Zebra Rock' on Mars: 'Likely Arrived From...'

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Discovers Strange ‘Zebra Rock’ on Mars: ‘Likely Arrived From…’


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Perseverance first landed in Jezero Crater in February 2021.

NASA’s Perseverance rover recently discovered a strange “zebra rock” in the Jezero Crater on Mars that is unlike any rock seen on the Red Planet before. The space agency wrote in a blog post that it could be “a sign of exciting discoveries to come.” The rover captured images of the black-and-white striped rock earlier this month using a camera mounted on top of its mast. The team said they spotted the rock in the distance “with hints of an unusual texture” in low-resolution images while driving through “normal gravel terrain.”

According to statementThe rock, which scientists have dubbed “Freya’s Castle,” has a texture unlike anything seen before. “The science team believes this rock has a texture unlike anything seen before in Jezero Crater, and perhaps on Mars,” NASA wrote. “Our knowledge of its chemical composition is limited, but early interpretations are that igneous and/or metamorphic processes may have created its stripes.”

The agency said the strange rock is about 20 centimeters in diameter and has a striking pattern of alternating black and white stripes. NASA said it is a loose rock and clearly different from the original rock, adding that it “likely arrived from somewhere else, perhaps rolled down from a higher source.”

“This possibility excites us, and we hope that as we continue to drive upward, Perseverance will encounter an outcrop of this new type of rock so that more detailed measurements can be obtained,” NASA’s statement continued.

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Perseverance first landed in Jezero Crater in February 2021 and is searching for rocks that could provide insights into Mars’ ancient history. It is currently climbing the steep slopes of Jezero Crater. In recent days, the rover has been traveling along flatter stretches of terrain, according to the statement.

Perseverance has already completed four scientific campaigns on Mars, and its ascent to the crater marks the start of a fifth, called the Crater Rim Campaign. The rover is searching for signs of ancient life and clues about the early history of the Red Planet. It has already made potentially groundbreaking discoveries, including ancient lake deposits that may contain microbial fossils.

Freya Castle is one of the interesting rocks observed by Perseverance on Jezero Crater.

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