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Nobel Prize winner warned against false nuclear concerns


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Olaf scholz does not want to offer “Taurus”. In an interview with, the Ukrainian player who won the Nobel Prize in Peace shows the understanding – but urgently warns.

Munich – Nobel Peace Prize -winning Ukrainian country Olexandra Matwitsuk said in an interview. In view of the controversial distribution of Taurus ship missiles, Vladimir Putin’s expressed understanding to the German concerns about the expansion of Russia with Russia. However, he urgently warned of global consequences if it was not supported for Ukraine. The result may be a “catastrophe” for the whole world.

Chancellor Olaf Scholls (left) Taurus is cautious in delivery – perhaps the concern of Vladimir Putin’s concern for Russia. © Bernd Elmenthaler/Itar-tass/SNA/Imago/Montage

“I have sympathy for these people,” Matwijtschuk said, “Chancellor Olaf Scholls (SPD) and when asked about the” increase “concerns of the nuclear power Russia in Germany. But the reason for the fact that the truth is. “They do not want to accept the reality that the world order we know is over,” said Matviychuk. The Peace and Security Organization of the entire United Nations is declining “before our eyes.” It is already noticeable in countries like Syria, Myanmar and Afghanistan – but now the Ukraine war in Europe is now due to the war.

Sholes in the case of “Taurus” in Ukraine’s war: “I hope this result will be changed”

The Nobel Prize winner of the 2022 Peace Prize pointed out that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been able to “act without punishment” so far. It is monitoring dictatorship such as China, Iran and North Korea. You can decide to use yours Forcibly implement geo -political goals. Matviychuk warned: “If we are afraid to leave the comfort zone today, the disaster is waiting for us tomorrow.”

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However, when Ukraine is hearing weapons, it always experiences the same progress: there was a “sharp debate” at the beginning of the provision of modern tanks or F16 fighter aircraft – before these were actually delivered. “In this way, I am sure that this result will be reversed,” said Madviychuk, saying that Taurus is a controversial distribution of shipping missiles or permission to use Western weapons against targets in Russia. However, he stressed: “Time is essential.”

The concept of time in Ukraine varies greatly from Germany or France. “In a war, for us, time is translated into countless deaths.” Every day the delay leads to countless deaths on the battlefield, locally and occupied areas. “Politicians may explain with fear that these delays can increase. But Russia has already crossed all the red lines.

Peace in Ukraine’s War: “Terrorism” in the occupied areas – supporters need “target”

The Nobel Prize winner of Peace warned against the considering the diplomatic compromise with Russia as “peace”. Putin’s governors have established terrorism against the public in the occupied areas. “The Russians destroyed the local minorities who are deliberately acting, journalists, mayors, volunteers, clergy, teachers.

People in these areas lived in the gray area without safety or legal procedures, and the 40 -year -old explained the condition of the occupied zones. “To be clear: an aggressive human suffering does not reduce human suffering, it makes it invisible,” Madhvichukku stressed. He warned that a clear goal was necessary: ​​the occupation of Ukraine on Russia. “We need a common strategy – if we do not define a common goal, we cannot have a strategy with our international partners,” he said.

Madhvichuk, who won the Nobel Prize in Peace in 2022, became the head of the Civil Rights Center of the Human Rights Organization (CCL) and emphasized that Ukraine is “very grateful” for German support. “It helps us survive.” Others, the CCL has documented human rights violations and Russian war crimes in occupied territories in suppressing the eurom. (fn)

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