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HomeTop NewsAccording to US plans: Putin threatens to launch new medium-range nuclear missiles

According to US plans: Putin threatens to launch new medium-range nuclear missiles


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Abroad According to American plans

Putin has threatened to launch new medium-range nuclear missiles

Vladimir Putin has threatened to build new medium-range missiles

Vladimir Putin has threatened to build new medium-range missiles

Source: dpa/Alexander Kazakov

The U.S. and Germany announced on July 10 that the U.S. military — after a gap of more than 20 years — will once again deploy long-range weapons in Germany from 2026. In this case, the Kremlin leader Putin announced that missile production will be resumed.

DRussian President Vladimir Putin has threatened to resume production of medium-range nuclear missiles if the US sticks to its plan to station long-range weapons in Germany. “If the United States implements these plans, we will no longer be bound by the recently announced unilateral moratorium on the use of short- and medium-range offensive capabilities,” Putin said Sunday at a Russian naval military parade in St. Petersburg. Petersburg.

Intermediate-range ballistic missiles, which can range between 500 and 5,500 kilometers, were defined by the INF Treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1987. Both sides withdrew from the agreement in 2019, alleging violations of its terms. Moscow, however, has announced that it will not remanufacture these weapons unless the United States deploys them abroad.

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On the sidelines of a NATO summit in Washington, the US and Germany announced on July 10 that the US military would – after a gap of more than 20 years – stop long-range weapons in Germany from 2026. These include Tomahawk missiles, which are capable of hitting targets up to 2,000 kilometers away.

“Key facilities of the Russian state administration and military will be within reach of these weapons,” Putin said in St. Petersburg. This situation is reminiscent of the Cold War and the deployment of Pershing missiles by the US in Europe. The Kremlin had already warned in mid-July that European capitals would become legitimate targets for Russian armed forces if the US deployed long-range weapons.

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