The achievements of Disney Dreamlight Valley are surprisingly intense

Two women stare at a large Xbox achievement icon as it floats in front of them.

picture: Disney / Gameloft / Xbox / Kotaku

What does one have to do to win a prize? How much work does one have to complete before getting an achievement? These are questions without answers. But according to the developers behind Disney Dreamlight ValleyYou need to catch nearly 2,000 fish and harvest more than 4,000 vegetables before achieving the achievements. You better get to work!

Dreamlight Valley It was released a week ago via paid early access across Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and PC. Its mix of famous Disney characters like Goofy, Stardu Valleysuch as agriculture and animal crossingSimilar to the village management was a hit. We are here at Kotaku they really enjoy it, Even if Mickey’s eyes are a bit creepy And the Scrooge McDuck is a greedy bastard. And within this new hit game you can find a long list of challenges and missions to complete. But far from that, like any other modern game in 2022, Dreamlight Valley He also has Xbox Achievements and PlayStation Awards. And some of these are wild!

For example, an achievement asks players to start 1,000 daily conversations. Depending on how often you play and how many villagers you unlock, it can probably take weeks or months to achieve. Another person assigns players to grow and harvest 4,500 vegetables. Again, unlocking this command from most players will take weeks or months. The same is true for an achievement that requires you to catch up 1800 fish or Cooking 900 meals. your rate Dreamlight Valley A player – someone who doesn’t farm for coins or tries the minimum/maximum of everything – will probably have a few weeks before achieving their first achievement.

Read more: 35 Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Disney Dreamlight Valley

There is now at least one easy-to-get achievement that you can get right now in a few minutes. It’s the cup that only requires you Take 50 photos. This number is so small compared to all the others that I can only assume it’s a typo and the developers intended for players to take 5,000 photos.

Of course, for people who are milling about huge carrot farms or similar ways to bring in extra cash quickly, I suspect they’ll be unlocking several of these in no time. But for the majority Dreamlight Valley Players, these will be long-term goals to work on. Like owning a home, planning a family, or finally going for a week without having a mental breakdown on the state of the planet.

While these achievements take a lot of time or clever grinding to unlock, I’m actually not frustrated with them at all. For one thing, the game constantly rewards you with missions and Dreamlight challenges. Plus, as crazy as they are, I appreciate that for many players, they’ll continue to score even after playing for weeks and weeks.

Games like this tend to be things that people invest a lot of time in, so building your trophies in a way that rewards players in the long run is probably a smart way to keep people invested, even after you’ve cooked 500 dishes of fish or croodies. . At this point, you are already past the halfway point of the achievement. So, why stop now? You don’t want to disappoint Mickey Mouse, do you?

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